Monday, December 22, 2014

Parents vs. Pub­lic Schools

Parental Rights in Public School: Quickly Disappearing.Posted on December 22, 2014 Written by
Par­ents are increas­ingly con­cerned that pub­lic school admin­is­tra­tors are super­sed­ing the legal author­ity par­ents have in their child’s life. Mis­souri par­ents were sur­prised to learn that their direc­tives for their chil­dren not to use com­put­ers at school or no parental per­mis­sion allow­ing stu­dent com­puter use were ignored by some school dis­tricts. Approval for chil­dren to use com­put­ers was granted by super­in­ten­dents or other admin­is­tra­tors over direc­tives of par­ents via pol­icy adopted by the school dis­trict. This pol­icy was writ­ten by a pri­vate NGO, the Mis­souri School Board Asso­ci­a­tion:
Jill Carter of Granby MO tes­ti­fied about a Tech­nol­ogy Usage Agree­ment given to her son for her sig­na­ture. A casual read of the doc­u­ment seemed to indi­cate that a par­ent had to give per­mis­sion for a child to use tech­nol­ogy (com­puter, email, inter­net etc.) in the classroom.
“No stu­dent will be given access to the district’s tech­nol­ogy resources until the dis­trict receives User Agree­ments signed by the stu­dent and the student’s parent/guardian. Stu­dents who are 18 or who are oth­er­wise able to enter into an enforce­able con­tract may sign the User Agree­ment with­out addi­tional signatures”
How­ever, upon dis­cov­er­ing that her son was in fact using the school’s com­put­ers even though she had refused to sign the TUA, she inves­ti­gated the whole Usage agree­ment which also stated:
“Stu­dents who do not have a User Agree­ment on file with the dis­trict may be granted per­mis­sion to use the district’s tech­nol­ogy resources by the super­in­ten­dent or designee“
So basi­cally, par­ents have no abil­ity to con­trol their child’s access to tech­nol­ogy or the inter­net in class­room. The school’s designee can always trump the parent’s wishes. This is bad enough. Then she read the lan­guage at the bot­tom of the policy:
“A user does not have a legal expec­ta­tion of pri­vacy in the user’s elec­tronic com­mu­ni­ca­tions or other activ­i­ties involv­ing the district’s tech­nol­ogy resources includ­ing, but not lim­ited to, voice mail, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, e-mail and access to the intranet, Inter­net or net­work dri­ves. By using the district’s net­work and tech­nol­ogy resources, all users con­sent to hav­ing their elec­tronic com­mu­ni­ca­tions and all other use mon­i­tored by the district.”
A school board mem­ber from another dis­trict also tes­ti­fied that she dis­cov­ered this same lan­guage in her own district’s tech­nol­ogy usage pol­icy. No sur­prise. The lan­guage has been copy­righted to the Mis­souri School Board Asso­ci­a­tion and is widely used by dis­tricts all over the state. Check your district’s pol­icy. It’s prob­a­bly the same.
School admin­is­tra­tors are becom­ing the author­ity in deter­min­ing whether or not your child is marked as an ‘excused’ or ‘unex­cused’ absence in data sets.  Atten­dance poli­cies have been tight­ened up by the dis­tricts due to waiver con­di­tions Arne Dun­can has granted for NCLB relief and to meet the ‘col­lege and career ready’ goals via MSIP5.  Remem­ber this notice from Fran­cis How­ell and unex­cused absences?
Watch for the sub­tle lan­guage change about unex­cused absences mov­ing into the realm of unlaw­ful absences in Penn­syl­va­nia.  This was sup­plied by a par­ent of a kindergartner:
So even if your stu­dent does not attend school (regard­less of aca­d­e­mic stand­ing or parental deci­sion), if the state deter­mines it is unex­cused, it is now unlaw­ful.  If your child racks up too many of these state decided unlawful/unexcused absences, get ready to appear in Fam­ily Court.  From the parent:
This is less about the teach­ing and more about con­trol­ling policies.
While that par­tic­u­lar lan­guage (unex­cused vs unlaw­ful) has not been pro­vided to us by a Mis­souri par­ent, we do know that a par­ent was sum­moned to appear in Fam­ily Court to answer why her ter­mi­nally ill child was miss­ing too much school.
The Mis­souri Con­sti­tu­tion directs the state pro­vide a ‘free and gra­tu­itous’ edu­ca­tion.  The pro­vi­sion of edu­ca­tion deliv­ery with puni­tive mea­sures isn’t really ‘free and gra­tu­itous’.  Pub­lic edu­ca­tion has become a maze of increas­ing man­dates which actu­ally take away the rights and lib­er­ties of parents:
The pol­icy giv­ing the State author­ity over parental deci­sions for their chil­dren is a total­i­tar­ian edu­ca­tional struc­ture, not a struc­ture designed to pro­vide a free and gra­tu­itous form of edu­ca­tion to teach stu­dents about their rights as cit­i­zens.  When the rights of the par­ents are destroyed and are the deci­sions for chil­dren rests in the hands of the State, the sys­tem allow­ing the State unmit­i­gated power must be destroyed.  It can­not be repaired.  Either par­ents can be trusted to make the best deci­sions for their child with­out the heavy handed bureau­cratic and puni­tive rules of schools the par­ents are com­pelled to sup­port or the sys­tem must be changed.
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