Thursday, June 25, 2015

Brainwashing School Board Members

Could it have something to do with "TRAINING." After all, school board members are required by law to go through training from the Louisiana School Board Association.
Charlotte Iserbyt. gives us a great insight to the danger of "training for School Board Members" in this excerpt from her blog:
"The brainwashing of school board members to do the bidding of the corporate/government combine started in 1981. While serving as Sr. Policy Advisor, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Dept. of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, I attended a staff meeting during which an extraordinary proposal for funding by my office of local education agencies was discussed. The proposal called for taxpayer funding for the "training of locally-elected school board members in Effective School Research practices" (Skinnerian OBE necessary for workforce training). The Asst. Secretary for my office, a conservative Republican formerly associated with the Congressional Republican Study Committee, was very upset with me when I objected to such use of taxpayers' money. The Director of the Office of Libraries and Learning Technology (OLLT) and the Director of the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), both longtime career educators, came up to me after and said "You are absolutely correct. The Department has funded many questionable programs in the past, but this one is unconscionable." .........
As a former elected school board member, I was aghast at such a proposal to brainwash locally-elected board members in Effective School Research (Skinnerian dog training methodology and change agent tactics to get the community on board with the corporate and U.S. Dept. of Education's lifelong school to work agenda).
In regard to adjective "lifelong", yes, folks, "lifelong": The National Alliance of Business in the mid-nineties, on its letterhead, called for "Kindergarten to Age 80 Workforce Training""!
We see this emphasis for Workforce training in the LSBA history on its web site. If the history of their organization is any indication, LSBA is training our school board members in the reformer goals of communist workforce training that Charlotte spoke of in her blog as dangerous.
LSBA History
"The primary goal, the one that makes the other two goals possible, is to recreate our state as a Learning Enterprise, a complex organism in which all businesses, institutions, and citizens are actively engaged in the pursuit of knowledge. It demands that every citizen, business, and institution take direct responsibility for the acquisition and utilization of knowledge. In this way, lifelong learning becomes directly linked to upward mobility and economic development. Louisiana Vision 2020 places new emphasis on the importance of early childhood education and teacher quality as keys to increasing student achievement and breaking the cycle of poverty.
LSBA offers opportunities for your business or agency to pursue in helping make goal one of Louisiana Vision 2020 achievable as well as select marketing avenues for your business to provide education decision makers with information on how your products or services can help local school boards."
It can be seen from this excerpt that LSBA promote partnerships with business. That is Fascism which will destroy our representative government. They are also committed to aligning themselves with many reformer national and state organizations. They are closely aligned with BESE and LDOE who are pushing the reformer agenda.
SCHOOL BOARDS NEED TO BE ENCOURAGED TO SUPPORT OUR REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT. That means putting their constituents and the children first. Parents are discovering everyday that the school board members' allegiance is to the superintendent, BESE, LSBA and LDOE, not to the voters. I believe this training is as dangerous to our education system as Charlotte says it is.
Not only do we need to be concerned about School Board Member training, but the training that teachers, superintendents and the training that students get in the Common Core aligned curriculum. Our children need to be educated, not trained. We need to fight the reformers from training students, teachers, superintendents and school board members. Our system needs to go back to educating, not training.

Source: Educational Freedom Coalition, posted by Mary Kay Bacallao, 6/24/15

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