Saturday, June 18, 2016

Keep Electoral College

Destroying the ElectoralCollege Destroys Freedomby Tom DeWeese

A campaign to eliminate the Electoral College and “let the people elect the president,” is gaining steam. A group called “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact,” started in 2006, has won commitments from eleven states to award their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. These include, Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Massachusetts, California, New York, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. These states control 165 electoral votes. They only need states representing 105 more electoral votes to join and the Electoral College will be a thing of the past. Meanwhile, such legislation is under consideration in Missouri, Oklahoma and Arizona, to name a few. It could be a done deal by 2020.

When a state passes legislation to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, it pledges that all of that state's electoral votes will be given to whichever presidential candidate wins the popular vote nationwide. These bills will take effect only when states with a majority of the electoral votes have passed similar legislation. States with electoral votes totaling 270 of the 538 electoral votes would have to pass NPV bills before the compact kicks in and any state's bill could take effect.

As usual, it’s easy to get people to join this cause – yet another sound bite based on emotion rather than knowledge or logic. “Let the people decide.” “It’s the American way.” “It’s Democracy at work.” Yep, that’s why America was never set up as a democracy. Here’s another sound bite for you – “Democracy is a lynch mob.” Here’s another one – “Democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.” Majority rule violates the rights of minorities. It’s not a good thing.  Get the picture?

Our Founding Fathers went to a lot of trouble to give us a government that was fair, representing all the people in every state – to protect a minority of one against the will of a mob which isn’t too concerned about the rights of someone standing in their way. Hence the Electoral College.

The abolishment of the Electoral College would, in fact, establish an election tyranny giving control of the government to the massive population centers of the nation's Northeastern sector, along with the area around Los Angeles. If these sections of the nation were to control the election of our nation's leaders, the voice of the ranchers and farmers of the Mid and Far West would be lost, along with the values and virtues of the South. It would also mean the end of the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty.

Throughout history, certain factions have challenged the legality of the Electoral College. Opponents point out that our President is actually elected by 538 virtually unknown people who are members of 51 small delegations in fifty States and the District of Columbia. Moreover, in most states the electors are not even bound to vote for the candidate that won the popular vote. In fact, many Constitutional scholars believe that's just what the founders intended, 538 independent thinkers, bound to no one. There is reason and logic behind the idea.

The Founding Fathers, particularly those from small States, were very concerned that they would be smothered by the larger states. Under the representative republic (not a democracy) established by the founders, the United States is made up of fifty sovereign States. Under the Constitution, except for limited powers specifically defined for the central government, power for the rule of law is intended to reside in the States.

To deal with the problem, the founders decided on a compromise that would establish two chambers for the Congress; the House of Representatives, whose size would be dictated by the population in each state and the Senate in which every state would get two representatives, regardless of its size or population. You see, in the beginning, the states appointed Senators to be their representatives in Congress. But, like these geniuses of today who want to wreck the Electoral College, previous geniuses came up with the idea that Senators should be elected by the people – “It’s only fair,” went the mantra! The result is an imperial Senate that answers to no one but their own elite club members. That’s what happens when you mess with the real genius of the Constitution.

How to destroy a culture, by Kathleen Marquardt

Things are getting weirder and weirder and people are scratching their heads and thinking they must not understand what is happening. Well, they’d better wake up, quit feeling stupid and start objecting to just about every new law, fee, regulation, and politically correct dictum coming down the pike.

For decades, the powers-that-be (PTB) worked long and hard to put together a blueprint to control the world. That blueprint is Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, published by the United Nations. They then wrote the directions on how to take that framework and make it the Law of the Land, according to Wikipedia.

The PTB have gone a long way to achieving those goals. Late last month I attended a meeting here in Knoxville, attended by some 200 people who for the most part worked in planning or transportation in the 16 county regional plan (presented to the citizens as plan ET/ 5 Counties, One Vision). (Note: re the disparity of 5 counties in the plan becoming 16, my assumption is that in order to fulfill the grant from HUD requirement of resident participation, rather than do their ‘dog and pony’ show in 16 counties [a lot of make-do work and time], they’d present it to the five counties and just absorb the other nine when the farce was over.)

The audience at the meeting, instead of wanting to know what the presenters (promoting walkable, bike-able, stack-em and pack-em cities) were pushing and asking why we might need/want these changes, they were wanting to know how they could effect change (rules and regulations) quickly to achieve this nirvana state of no cars here in sprawled out East Tennessee. If it is happening here with no outcry, it is happening across the country. In fact there are many places that are far more down that regionalism/commutarianism road to utopia.

So the means to destroy personal freedom, the right to private property, and the Rule of Law are set and being implemented now. But there is a need also to destroy the culture that gave us freedom or it will rear up it’s ugly head again. The PTB have no desire to have to deal with unruly subjects, so off with some of their heads and the rest – wipe out the values, attitudes and beliefs.  Not easy? Hah. That’s what I thought, but I am wrong. Political correctness is the answer to the culture issue.

Western Culture is a product of the Judeo-Christian religious traditions, Socrates, and the ancient Greeks. But what is it? Western Culture encompasses many things, but some of the key features are individual freedom, capitalism, rational thought, Rule of Law, and democracy. How do you destroy these values?

And we have the Big Lie, that is supposed to beg big government to take care of every aspect of our lives (i.e., to give them our freedom which includes our property rights), Global Warming/Climate Change. The reinventing of a global economy is, in truth, redistribution of American and Western European wealth to the PTB in the disguise of support the destitute of the world.

EPA Chief concedes no climate impact from ‘climate rule’: It’s about ‘reinventing a global economy’ “Over a period of twenty months, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy repeatedly concedes that the Agency’s sweeping climate-regulation of America’s fossil fuel-fired power plants will have no impact on the Earth’s climate. McCarthy openly admits that the Clean Power Plan “is not about end of pipe controls.” Instead, she says the rule is about “driving investment in renewables…, [and] advancing our ongoing clean energy revolution”. McCarthy says, “That’s what… reinventing a global economy looks like.”


Delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit held on October 24-27, 1991, in Washington DC, drafted and adopted 17 principles of Environmental Justice. Since then, The Principles have served as a defining document for the growing grassroots movement for environmental justice.


WE, THE PEOPLE OF COLOR, gathered together at this multinational People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, to begin to build a national and international movement of all peoples of color to fight the destruction and taking of our lands and communities, do hereby re-establish our spiritual interdependence to the sacredness of our Mother Earth; to respect and celebrate each of our cultures, languages and beliefs about the natural world and our roles in healing ourselves; to ensure environmental justice; to promote economic alternatives which would contribute to the development of environmentally safe livelihoods; and, to secure our political, economic and cultural liberation that has been denied for over 500 years of colonization and oppression, resulting in the poisoning of our communities and land and the genocide of our peoples, do affirm and adopt these Principles of Environmental Justice:

1) Environmental Justice affirms the sacredness of Mother Earth, ecological unity and the interdependence of all species, and the right to be free from ecological destruction.


That is the tip of the iceberg but you can see what all of political correctness is addressing.  It isn’t about being nice, stopping bullying, and liking everyone. It is about making all of us equally stupid and equally slaves of the PTB.


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