Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bloodless Civil War in US

It started in 2009, when Obama started his offensive and he ended up making the US a National Socialist country with a weak economy and heavy debt. Government assumed control over the means of production through regulations and direct control of industries.  In 2017, we elected Trump to stop the Obama offensive, push the Socialists back and restore the economy and the rule of law.

Trump is reversing liberal policies and is under fire from Liberal Socialists for threatening their “almost takeover” of the US.  That is exactly why US citizens elected him as President in 2016.  Both sides are using military tactics. Our military platforms have countermeasures they launch to avoid getting hit with incoming fire. Liberals launch countermeasures day and night in the US media.

The US is experiencing a stealthy civil war. The issue is the Communist takeover of the US.  The Communists are launching countermeasures as offensive weapons. The stakes are high. Trump is dismantling the Communist cultural and political infrastructure.

On the Communist side we find the Democrats with all of their factions. They have been preparing for this for decades and have implemented the cultural and political infrastructure to accomplish this.  The Communists now control the “deep state”, the universities, the public schools and the Democrat Party.

Their narrative suggests that we are victims and we need to attack our oppressors. Marx called the victims the proletariat (working class) and the oppressors were the bourgeoisie (wealthy). Marx obsessed over working conditions during the Industrial Revolution and promoted the political overthrow of the wealthy.

This played out in Russia in 1917.Their “reward” for allowing Communism to win was the lie that the lives of the oppressed would improve. The Russian people allowed the Communists to take over. Conditions are completely different in the US in 2017.

American Communist countermeasures include controlling the news to ensure that critical issues are not addressed. To fill the time, The news media over-reports natural disasters, loss of life, crime, gossip and trivia. The news is then loaded with liberal propaganda to encourage outrage over being oppressed.

The first thing they needed to introduce was political corruption to enable them to undermine the US Constitution. 
It starts by identifying an issue, finding a champion and creating a narrative to promote whatever change they insist is necessary.

Next, they pick a target they could hit and get by with it. 

The first target in recent memory was the establishment of “National Parks” in 1872, a violation of the “enumerated powers”. They refused to submit an Amendment for ratification by the states and they got by with it. The issue was the “conservation” of Yellowstone. The champion was Teddy Roosevelt. The narrative was that the federal government needed to take the land from the states, because they couldn’t be trusted to “conserve” the land. If they had actually sent an Amendment to the states to make this legal, it would have failed.

Liberals keep the countermeasures coming by over-reporting

Democrats are under fire by the very fact that Trump is moving rapidly to push Socialist battle lines back.

Liberal Republicans are under attack, because it is clear to all voters these Republicans were on the Liberal side until Trump was elected. Trump promised to advance the agenda Republicans had campaigned on.  But they were globalists and were too gutless to actually pass needed reforms to end the globalist scams.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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