Friday, December 22, 2017

Liberal Cult

The Definition of the LIBERAL Cult, or LIBERALISM:
Every cult can be defined as a group having all of the following 5 characteristics:
1. It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate, and retain its members.
2. It forms an elitist totalitarian society.
3. Its founder/leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable, and charismatic.
4. It believes the end justifies the means in order to solicit funds recruit people.
5. Its wealth does not benefit its members or society.

Does any of that sound familiar? Some thoughts on the Cult that is Liberalism. Folks, if you get past all of the BS that Liberals advocate; their unattainable Utopic society, their enslaving entitlement programs, the Keynesian economics where you take from the producers and give to the non-producers, the environmental "hucksterism" of climate change which scares the masses and fills government coffers with penalty taxes, the warped value systems of which life matters and which life doesn't matter; then you don't have to be a rocket scientist to discern that Liberals subscribe to the cult of moral relativism.

It is the underpinning of their entire thought processes. It allows them to place themselves in a position that goes against all common sense and logic. They worship the state or government, if you will. To Liberals, Big Government is the panacea to all which ails the world. Liberals hate private property, they hate capitalism, they hate freedom, they hate mankind itself (see abortion), they hate the principles upon which our nation was founded...the freedom of the individual. Individualism is a dirty word to a Liberal.

You aren't supposed to think for yourself. And because our nation was founded with the individual in mind, the Founding Fathers gave us moral guidelines which to follow. And because nearly every tenet of Liberalism goes against these founding principles, Liberals have to invent their own moralities; and at the same time they undermine the true moral fiber of our nation, which is written in stone and unchanging. Why is it unchanging? Because our laws come directly from God, and He never changes. He CAN'T change. One must be bound by time in order to change. God has no time constraints. He is always in the present.

So in defining Liberalism, one can only compare it to an irrational belief system that is totally based in fantasy. And in order for this mindset to pervade, there has to be strong willed, charismatic individuals to lead the masses. Exhibit A? Prezidint Brock Oblamer. This man possesses all of the qualities that one needs in order to be the perfect blind leader. He leads this perfect "Cult of Personality". He is handsome. He is eloquent in script. (notice I said "in script") And the ingenious tool of "political correctness" allows the Cult of Liberalism to flourish and disarm its opponents all at the same time; especially when there is a black man at the helm. PC makes him virtually bulletproof. Oblamer's Teflon coating makes John Gotti look like an unseasoned frying pan.

Throughout history, we examine the various cults and we see strikingly similar attributes. Charisma. Revised, even made up history. Total belief in an illogical cause. And the incredible power of persuasion. It's all there. Now we have to ask ourselves: What became of these cults in history? Nazi Germany? Jonestown? Heaven's Gate? We all know the answer to that question.

Folks, when you see Liberalism for what it is: A Cult. And you compare it to the outcomes of cults throughout history, and then you have a clear picture of the dangerous times in which we live. The erosion of our values and our culture is all around us. What was black is now white. What was wrong is now right. Life itself has no value. Killing babies.

Undermining families with the glorification of homosexuality. Appeasing enemies. Asserting that government can take care of you better than you can take care of yourself. De-emphasizing God. Embracing lawlessness. Vilifying individual success. All of these things are destroying our country; yet to a Liberal, they are good. They are good because they were TOLD they are good. Individual thought is their enemy.

If this Cult is not stopped, and stopped soon; then the millions of people that have made the ultimate sacrifice to build the greatest nation that man has ever known will have been for naught. The immensity and gravity of this situation is nearly overwhelming. Desperation is setting in. 2016 will be a watershed. If Hillary is allowed to continue implementing the Saul Alinsky/Cloward-Piven strategy; then we may very well have passed the point of no return.

Being an admin on this page, and afforded the incredible opportunity to have so many people see my words is truly something that I don't take lightly; and I try to choose my words carefully. So when I say this, I say it with the full knowledge that in this day and time, my words could set me apart.

People, if our ship isn't righted and I mean righted 180 degrees; then it is our duty to God and those that died for us, to embark on The Second Revolution. Tyranny was the cause of the first Revolution. It will be the cause of the second one as well; because tyranny and individual freedom do not mix. One will die. I stand with INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM! ~ Buck

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