Sunday, March 18, 2018

Reforming Islam

Imams need to recognize the danger in allowing Islam to be labeled as an evil, existential threat to Western Culture and call a Council to fix it.  History shows that Muslim rulers have imposed policies of religious tolerance in the past and by doing so, ignored those parts of the Koran that called for the annihilation of “infidels”. They could also end the war between the Sunni and Shia. They could examine all practices and doctrine in the Koran and determine what practices and doctrine need to be discarded. They could decide to split into Orthodoxy and Reform.

In 312AD, Emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicea to end the divisions in the Catholic Church.  He gathered the Bishops and the Pope and led them through the process of establishing Christian doctrine. They selected the scriptures that supported their views on doctrine and rejected the rest.  This didn’t solve the problem, because they also forgot to recognize “free will” and forgot to allow tolerance for other faiths.  Catholics spent hundreds of years persecuting “heretics”, including Jews.  Catholics also continued to allow the Church to be incorporated into secular governing and co-opted by the “Monarchy”. For centuries, wealthy Italian families poisoned Popes and bribed Cardinals to advance their family members. The corruption was too much and Martin Luther’s indictment created the Protestant Reformation within Christianity and we have all benefitted from that. The current challenge for Christians is that political correctness, secularism and moral relativism have combined with socialism and globalism and contaminated the hierarchy of most Christian denominations. This renders them useless in helping us in our daily lives. Most of our Bishops have no clue about economics and refuse to recognize political scams from real science.

The Jews have done the best job in dividing between Orthodoxy and Reform, but remaining in the same tent. The Orthodox Hasidic Jews and Reformed Jews may not hang out together, but at least they don’t fight.

The Jewish Reform movement is the best example for Islam to follow for those who need to assimilate into other cultures.  Islam could benefit from consolidating Sunni and Shia, but splitting into Orthodoxy and Reform.

In the end, it’s a good idea to stress our personal relationship with God and not let the “church” get between God and His people.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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