Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Trump Agenda for 2018

We need to repeal Obamacare and repeal Dodd-Frank, pass and implement a merit-based Immigration law, eliminate welfare for immigrants and refugees, cut harmful, unnecessary spending, begin to privatize government functions, and keep Republican majorities in 2018.

We need to see a path forward to end Obamacare benefits and taxpayer subsidies and push to allow insurers to offer basic major medical without restrictions. We need to confront Big Pharma price gouging and remove all rules from providers to deregulate healthcare. We need to eliminate Malpractice suits and let county medical associations police their members. Healthcare needs to be reformed in the private sector free market, so that customers control the prices based on supply and demand.  All federal and State government subsidies need to be removed.

We need to repeal Dodd-Frank and reinstall Glass-Steagall for community banks to eliminate taxpayer-backed big bank bailouts forever and discourage reckless financial schemes. We need to repeal the Community Reinvestment Act and HUD anti-discrimination rules that forced lenders to give loans to unqualified buyers and caused the 2008 Meltdown.

We need to end refugee resettlement and eliminate work visas for unskilled labor.  We need to complete the deportation of criminal illegals.  We need to let illegals move to the back of the line to apply for legal states based on merit. We need to ensure that all voter rolls are audited and maintained to eliminate election fraud. We need to prosecute election fraud and tax fraud for illegals who fraudulently claimed child tax credits. We need to reform the IRS.

We need to cut all federal grants to universities, non-profits and States. We need to delineate between federal, state, county and city functions and not overlap. Education needs to be reformed in the private sector free market economy, so that prices are determined by customers based on supply and demand. All federal and State government subsidies need to be removed. 

We need to reform the departments of education, transportation, HHS, justice, state and all other federal departments, agencies and programs to cut harmful, unnecessary spending. We need to make Congress accountable for regulatory reform and compliant with the US Constitution (as written).

We need to privatize Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, public transit and the US Postal Service. We need to give federal lands back to the States to comply with the US Constitution (as written).

We need to remove all Obama-era appointed employees, eliminate government employee pensions and replace them with 401k plans.

We need to restrict campaign contributions to registered voters only for those candidates who appear on their ballot, so that elected officials will work for the voters and end the sources of government corruption.

We need to force the shrinking of the government footprint and the expansion of the private sector.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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