Saturday, March 31, 2018

US Foreign Policy 1945 – 2018

The US continued to avoid foreign invasion, but damage continues with threats from within our own government.

The Cold War

The Soviet Union continued to push for expansion after 1945 and developed their own atom bomb and the Cold War began.  Nuclear deterrence became US foreign policy with the threat of mutually assured destruction.

The US handled other countries with a series of bribes, threats, subversion, covert operations and police actions. This didn’t work well in South America or Africa or anywhere else. Poor countries continued to be taken over by Communists dictators no matter what we did.

Despite the fact that the US had not been invaded, we’ve spent $trillions on military expansion since 1945. Portions of it can be charged to nuclear deterrence, but most of this cost can be best described as military foreign aid.

US Military Foreign Aid

The Korean War 1950-1953 was the first major police action for the US. Communist North Korea and Communist China invaded South Korea and it ended in a stalemate with the creation of a separate Communist North Korea and South Korea. US casualties from the Korean War were 36,914 and the cost to the US was $30 billion.

The Vietnam War 1955-1975 US casualties totaled 58,220 and the US cost was $173 billion. Communist North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam. We quit. The US pulled out and the Communist North Vietnamese government took over.

US foreign policy had made major shifts, but US failure to win in Korea and Vietnam was a game-changer. We lacked the advanced weapons and the strategy to engage in these wars.

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1989 ending the Cold War. Communism after all is just an unsustainable system of governance and doesn’t produce enough to sustain itself without a private sector economy or subsidies.

The Soviet Union simply couldn’t afford to support its satellite countries and set them free. This happened to the Roman Empire that formed in 27 BC and ended in 476 AD. They had squandered their wealth and had run out of cash to pay their armies.

Socialism was the European cure to avoid Communism to avoid having their governments toppled.  These systems are identical, but Communism is usually accompanied by bloody revolution and total annihilation of all who object to whoever wins.

In 1972, Richard Nixon began accepting Communism by engaged China with the promise of trade. Mao Zedong died in 1976. Chinese exports to the US began to rise in 1978 and continued to rise through the 1990s. 

In 1993 NAFTA signaled corporations to offshore their manufacturing operations to abandon US high wage and excessive regulatory costs and they began to prepare to leave. The US corporate tax rate remained at 35% despite the reductions made by other countries.

By the 2000s, China had installed government owned industries that operated like private sector companies to perform manufacturing operations for US companies at half the cost.  China joined the WTO in 2001.

Fantasy Island

In 1992, the UN published UN Agenda 21 proposing to form a global government. Global Communists had lined up global corporations and all governments to implement Agenda 21.  It proceeded quickly in Europe with the creation of the EU, the Euro, open borders, transit villages, etc. The excuse for having a global government was the global warming hoax that required abandoning all fossil fuels and charging carbon taxes.

This scam began to unravel when everybody except Europe ignored it. The US Congress refused to sign up for the carbon tax, Australia repealed its carbon tax. China continued to build coal-fired electric plants, Russia continued to pump oil along with the Arab countries.  When the ocean temperature refused to get warmer and the emails suggesting a hoax appeared, the entire scheme began to unravel. 

The UN finally admitted the hoax and published UN Agenda 2030 calling for developed countries to contribute money to undeveloped countries until they too became undeveloped countries.

The global warming hoax cost ran in the $trillions, especially for those countries who converted all of their infrastructure to comply with UN Agenda 21.

Current Issues

Trump holds the upper-hand with China and North Korea. China could face drastic reductions in exports to the US if it doesn’t close Korea’s nuclear program.

Russian alignment with Iran will become a problem for Russia as the US joins with its Arab allies to put Iran in a box. Russia’s involvement with Syria will also be a problem for Russia if we all start to deport Syrian refugees back to Syria. Ukraine is another problem for Russia. US oil and natural gas exports pose an existential threat to Russian oil.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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