Sunday, March 18, 2018

US Citizen Grievances 2018

We, the citizens of the United States are still waiting patiently for our elected officials to comply with the US Constitution (as written) and for the US courts to begin to interpret the Constitution based on the actual words and their properly intended meaning when they were written.

We have been waiting since 1872 for Congress to pass an Amendment allowing the federal government to expand its enumerated powers to own land beyond what it needs to function and have it ratified by the States. The federal government now owns 30% of the US 3.5 million square mile land mass. None of it is on the tax rolls.

We have been waiting since 1913 for Congress to pass Amendments and have them ratified by the States to allow the federal government to expand its enumerated powers to establish the Federal Reserve and establish a permanent Income Tax to support the federal government. Coining money is still listed as the responsibility of Congress.

We have been waiting since 1935 for Congress to pass Amendments allowing the federal government to establish a national retirement plan and establish federal government functions not yet included in the enumerated powers and have it ratified by the States.

After the 1930s, we waited each time the federal government created new federal government departments, agencies and programs that did not include Amendments ratified by the States allowing them to assume these additional enumerated powers. Therefore we have the unconstitutional departments of education, healthcare, welfare, energy, labor, etc. etc. etc. All of these were created by the Congress without following the Amendment process outlined in the US Constitution (as written).

We have seen the US Congress and the US courts stand idly by while unconstitutional laws were passed and nobody said a word.  The lame excuse was that the courts and the Congress should consider the US Constitution as a “living document” and that the courts and the Congress could do whatever the hell it wanted.

We saw the word “Born” not interpreted as it was intended, but including the children of foreign citizens that happened to be delivered in US Hospitals.  These should not be US citizens, but they should be considered citizens of their parents’ country.

We saw the word “Life” not interpreted as a human life, but the right to life continues to be “optional” until live birth occurs.

We saw the interpretation of the “separation of church and state” contorted to ban Christianity from public schools and public property entirely, when it simply meant that Congress could not pass laws that forced everyone to become Episcopalians.

We saw our political parties divide artificially between “Liberals” and “Conservatives”, but they mostly vote for Bills that support their special interest campaign contributors and not vote for Bills that support the US economy to which we are dependent.

We saw labor unions strangling companies during the 1960s and 1970s and believe they are unnecessary and should be dissolved.

We saw the federal government run up debt in the 1960s and then monetize the debt, diluting the US dollar and causing 1000% inflation from the 1960s to the 2000s. A good household income in 1960 was $10,000 per year and over half the population could do that, now it’s $100,000 per year and only 10% of the population can do that.

We saw the federal government over-subsidize education and healthcare, quadrupling its costs every year. Both of these industries are poised for collapse due to costs. Both must be returned to the free market for rehabilitation.

In the 1960s, college tuition was $1000 per year, now it’s over $20,000 per year and it isn’t worth going to college at that price. College has become a liberal dogma indoctrination camp. Students would be better prepared to earn a living if they self-study by googling the internet.

In the 1960s, family coverage health insurance was less than $500 per year, now it’s over $12,000 per year. All government regulations need to be repealed to allow the healthcare industry to reinvent itself. We need to repeal malpractice suits to lower the cost of healthcare and let the Medical Associations police their members and order training or pull licenses.

We have witnessed 50 years of lethal cancer treatments, no cures and slow, tortured, corrupted progress with this “sky is the limit” approach to healthcare. We have good providers and not so good providers and we know who they are and half of us are healthy.

In the 1980s we saw hospitals told to treat patients for free, so they shifted the cost to paying customers. We need to restore hospital’s right to refuse to treat deadbeats and illegals, remove government regulations and let’s see if hospitals can survive.

1960s to the 2000s. We saw the Communist takeover of US universities with political correctness, delusional liberal dogma and violent protests. We now have a generation of “useful idiots” ready to do Stalin’s bidding.

We want to end government subsidies for education and healthcare to return these to be restructured by the free market where consumers control prices based on supply and demand.

We saw the cost of congressional elections increase from $2 million to $30 million. We want campaign contributions to be restricted to individual legal US voters only, for candidates who appear on their ballot. Special interest can make their case on their own websites and so can candidates.

We want our election process to be cleaned up so that election fraud becomes impossible. We want an end to illegals voting, dead people voting and double voting. We want an end to identity theft by cleaning up the illegal problem and keeping our voting records clean.

We want a border wall and an immigration law that limits immigrants based on US labor shortages.  We want an end to

We saw the federal government unleash excessive immigration in the 1980s.  In 1989, immigration went from 500,000 to over 1 million and doubled after that. We saw a drastic increase in welfare costs and the flattening of US wages. Then we saw a flood of low skilled refugees pour in to the US and Europe refusing to assimilate, setting up NO-GO zones and electing Muslim Mayors. We saw a Trojan Horse. We saw taxpayer costs for welfare immigrants, education and healthcare double.

At the same time we saw the federal government encourage companies to off-shore US manufacturing jobs with NAFTA in 1993. It decimated the US middle-class and wreck the US economy. At the time we were told that we were becoming an “Information Economy”, but the information wasn’t good.

We saw the federal government keep a 35% US corporate tax rate from the 1980s while all other countries were lowering theirs to a range between 12% and 20%, so that companies would move overseas.

Since the 1960s we saw the federal government refuse to allow oil and gas drilling, mining, ranching, fishing, farming, raising livestock and harvesting forests and refused to secure the US border for 4 decades, allowing 60 million immigrants to enter the US and be eligible for welfare.

We saw George HW Bush sign UN Agenda 21 in 1992 and Bill Clinton signed the implementation order in 1993.  We saw regional unelected governance installed to prepare the US to become part of the UN world government. We need all of that repealed immediately, so it can’t be reinstated.

We saw Obama declare that ‘climate change’ was our greatest threat, when, in fact, he was our greatest threat by wanting to increase our electric bills by 500% to reduce carbon for no good reason. We regard Obama to be a Muslim Communist who was elected by illegal immigrants and a large uninformed electorate to implement UN Agenda 21. He was the Manchurian President.

We continue to see politicians supporting the end of our 2nd Amendment and wonder why we object.  Under Obama, we were ready to defend our homes with our guns from our own government and from the UN.

We saw federal agencies harass, abuse and kill US citizens.

The EPA stopped the Sacketts from building their home, issued fines, costing them legal defense expenses, made them dismantle their foundation, it went to the Supreme Court and the EPA lost.

The BLM attempted to seize Bundy’s cattle and harassed the Bundy family with the claim that Bundy had no right to refuse to sell his grazing rights back to the federal government. BLM lost.

The FBI murdered Robert LaVoy Finicum over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protest in 2016. The FBI lost.

Mark Baker raised feral pigs on his Michigan Farm until the State of Michigan had them destroyed. Mark Baker lost.

The USDA shut down dairy farms that provided raw milk and cheese and destroyed $250,000 worth at Morningland Diary despite the fact that there was nothing wrong with it.  The farmers lost.

The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 and the federal government created a “defined benefit” Ponzi scheme instead of having individual accounts we could invest and own.  Our cash went to Congress and they used it to pay current beneficiaries and for “other purposes”.

The Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973 and the federal government put the cost on our credit card instead of figuring out a way to have the Sierra Club buy the land and run the wildlife preserves without taxpayer funds.

We need to privatize 90% of what government currently does and send it back to the private sector free market economy so the prices can be controlled by the consumer using the law of supply and demand.

We need to end the massive annual forest fire festivals and return federal lands to the States to be maintained. Most of this land needs to be put to productive use and sold to US citizen farmers, ranchers, timber harvesters and mine operators to produce our own raw materials.

We need to ensure that only US citizens and US companies can own US land.  They will be happy to lease the use of their land to foreign companies who wish to establish US subsidiaries in the US to operate in the US. We need to ensure that foreign citizens, foreign companies and especially foreign governments are not allowed to own US land.

There is no reason we can’t pay off our $20 trillion debt and no reason we can’t drastically reduce our $124 trillion unfunded liabilities if we privatize most government activities and cut spending proportionately.

In 2016, we elected Trump to clean up the mess.  We fully expect you ass-holes in Congress and the Courts to support his agenda.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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