Minnesota: Opposition to Welcoming America
is growing as more citizens are waking up to Leftwing
community organizing tactics! Posted by Ann Corcoran 5/7/18
Think about it! Your money is used to do political community organizing!
Here they admit that the “welcoming” initiative is about finding cheap low-skilled labor!
The Winona Daily News published
a story last evening that is mostly meant to show that opposition to Welcoming America is
coming from a
bunch of nativist naysayers, but for me it shows how grassroots activists (paid
by no one!) have been successful in educating small communities across the
upper Midwest about the goals of the Soros-spawned Welcoming America community organizers.
Lubell is the founder and Executive Director of Welcoming America. Lubell’s
Welcoming America began first in Tennessee as Welcoming Tennessee and with the
help of seed money from George Soros expanded to become a national organization
and a federal contractor (they get $$$ from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
They “community organize: to push back where “Pockets of Resistance” form.
first heard of Welcoming
America in 2013 when they were a featured
presenter at a meeting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania put on by the Obama Office of
Refugee Resettlement.
The ORR had contracted them to beat back “pockets of resistance” to
refugee resettlement.
should take a moment to read that post. It is a good thing I quoted the Soros connection directly
from Welcoming
America’s website at the time because that page is
mysteriously absent from their site now!
the really ambitious among you, please see my entire archive on Welcoming America and its founder David Lubell.
They are your classic, hard Left community organizers promoting diversity is
beautiful for your towns (more Democrat voters and more cheap labor!).
it is more than that…..They are changing America by
changing the people!
And using taxpayer dollars to do it!
just checked ProPublica here and
learned that Welcoming
America received
these “government contracts” in addition to the Clinton Foundation money
mentioned by the Winona
Daily News: (numbers
back to the story about
how you have
slowed their momentum in Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin!
was the first in the state to join Welcoming America; why haven’t others
When Fatima Said asked the Winona City Council to join a national move
to embrace immigrants, refugees and all other newcomers, the council
unanimously approved the idea that same night.
The vote made Winona the first Minnesota city to join Welcoming
America, a national network of local governments and nonprofits.
was so proud of that,” recalled Said, who arrived with her family in Rochester
in December 1993 as Bosnian refugees. Volunteers met them with open arms, she
says. “This multicultural society in America is a beauty.”
In the two years since, however, the movement that Winona embraced has
met with increasingly hostile resistance in cities and towns across Minnesota
and the Upper Midwest, exposing deep rifts and anxiety over immigration,
refugees, race, culture and religion — particularly Islam.
Blowing the whistle on the scheme that
involves the UN is Ron Branstner speaking with KNSI Radio St. Cloud in 2015
Those who support the welcoming initiatives and similar efforts see
them as important value statements critical to attracting residents, especially
in rural communities that are struggling to recruit and hold workers for
hard-to-fill, low-skilled jobs.
can’t understand how many people have problems with Welcoming America. We work
together because there is no other way,” said Said, executive director of
Project Fine, a nonprofit that works to integrate newcomers through education.
But even in cities such as St. Cloud and Willmar, which passed resolutions,
tensions ran high. Opponents in both cities focused their objections on Somali
immigrants, with allegations being raised that they spread disease, commit
crimes, take advantage of public assistance, provide recruits for Islamic
terrorism and generally resist assimilation.
Ron Branstner a
resident of Eden Valley who often testifies against Welcoming initiatives, told
the Willmar City Council that the resolution is more than just a “feel-good
“If you pass this, there are things that come behind this,” Branstner
said. “Free speech is at risk.”
how reporter Dan Browning (or his editors!) gives Branstner few column inches
to explain his (and his audiences’) concerns.
continues with his warm embrace of Welcoming
America….The Welcoming
America network grew out of an initiative that started in 2006 in Nashville as
the population boomed, mostly from the influx of immigrants and refugees.
Seven years later, the network launched its nationwide Welcoming Cities
program, backed by a three-year, $2.66 million grant from the Clinton
Foundation. It
included faith groups, nonprofits and local governments interested in training
and sharing ideas about how best to help the newcomers.
Said got involved with Welcoming America about 2010, which led to
President Barack Obama designating her an “Outstanding Champion of Change.”
is so much more, but I can’t snip it all! Go here to read more about
the insidious work of Welcoming
America and
how just regular folks, like Ron Branstner, are working hard to educate their
fellow citizens about the plans to change America by changing the people!
What you can do! Contact the White House and tell the President that you don’t want Welcoming America to get one more dime of your money! Contact link is in upper right hand column of this blog.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody
GA Tea Party Leader
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