Monday, June 11, 2018

25 best paying jobs in US

If you want to bring home serious money — and you can withstand years of training and long, sometimes unpredictable hours — you may want to consider a medical career.

According to U.S. News & World Report's 2018 Best Jobs data, the best-paying jobs in this field will carry the highest salary this year, followed by careers in engineering and business.

"Health care jobs are prominent on our list year after year and are predicted to continue growing rapidly within the job market by 2026," said Rebecca Koenig, careers reporter at U.S. News.

"Health care goes beyond doctors and nursing professions – there is high demand for people to fill positions available in health care technology, at hospitals and elsewhere within the industry that tap into a variety of the categories we rank and that offer a low unemployment rate, a high median salary and robust job growth."

The occupations listed below are the 25 best paying, according to U.S. News & World Report and data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

1. Anesthesiologist Mean salary: $269,600
2. Surgeon Mean salary: $252,910
3. Obstetrician and Gynecologist Mean salary: $234,310
4. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Mean salary: $232,870
5. Orthodontist Mean salary: $228,780
6. Physician Mean salary: $201,840
7. Psychiatrist Mean salary: $200,220
8. Pediatrician Mean salary: $184,240
9. Dentist Mean salary: $173,860
10. Prosthodontist Mean salary: $168,140
11. Nurse Anesthetist Mean salary: $164,030
12. Petroleum Engineer Mean salary: $147,030
13. IT Manager Mean salary: $145,740
14. Marketing Manager Mean salary: $144,140
15. Podiatrist Mean salary: $144,110
16. Lawyer Mean salary: $139,880
17. Financial Manager Mean salary: $139,720
18. Sales Manager Mean salary: $135,090
19. Financial Advisor Mean salary: $123,100
20. Business Operations Manager Mean salary: $122,090
21. Pharmacist Mean salary: $120,270
22. Optometrist Mean salary: $117,580
23. Actuary Mean salary: $114,120
24. Political Scientist Mean salary: $112,250
25. Medical and Health Services Manager Mean salary: $109,370

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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