Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Afghan SIV Refugees

Afghan special immigrant visa (SIV) holders and families enter US in high numbers, by Ann Corcoran 6/12/18.

The total number of Afghans admitted to the US, 60,623, above is from FY07 to the present. Less than 10,000 were determined to be refugees.

Share this: Maryland and Virginia are in the top five welcoming states…I’ve been told that the flow of these ‘special’ immigrants are helping to keep federal money flowing to the resettlement contractors as they are treated as refugees (but not counted as part of the 45,000 ceiling set by the President last September) and as such, the contractors are paid by the head for their work in resettling them.

Just now I checked Wrapsnet to see what those numbers looked like. I’ve written other posts on the topic before, here, so this is an update.

Prior to FY14 we admitted small numbers of the people that supposedly helped us in some capacity in Afghanistan, but the number began to skyrocket in FY14.

The top year so far, 16,866 Afghan SIV arrivals, was in President Trump’s first year in office. Top states for Afghan resettlement (regular refugees and SIVs) from FY07 to the present were California (20,171), Texas (8,229), Virginia (7763), Washington (2,898) and Maryland (2,745).

Here are the nine federal refugee contractors. They have been complaining as their regular paying client numbers (refugees) have declined, but it seems they have some taxpayer supplied funds coming in with this huge push to bring in Afghan ‘interpreters’ and their families.

The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program.

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees (SIVs too) and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.
·  International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular) (66.5%)

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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