Media “fact checks” Senator who said more than half
of Muslims in Australia are not in the labor force
Fact check: Are more than half of Australia’s working-age Muslims not in the workforce?
Fact check: Are more than half of Australia’s working-age Muslims not in the workforce?
Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 4, 2018
Don’t you just love it when the Left leaning media pounces on a
number given by a Senator they obviously despise, does a “fact check,”
proclaims him “wrong” in a headline and proceeds then to reveal some facts to
show that he was pretty darn close when he said 56% of Australian Muslims are
not in the labor force.
Here is the story at ABC News Australia with some
very interesting facts about the pathetic numbers of Muslims working in that
country. Conclusion: Muslim women (home cranking out babies) are dragging
their numbers down!
It is demographics stupid…
Digressing for a minute, I never did get a chance last week to post this news from Hungary where the
government there is making it a priority to urge women of Hungarian ethnicity
to have more children. It is about demographics dear readers! These
Muslims in Australia get it! And, if infidels pay for their needs, through
their welfare systems, all the better!
ABC News headline:
How many readers got past
this photo at the top of the “fact check?” The claim - Independent
Senator Fraser Anning has frequently used Twitter to campaign against those
migrants and asylum seekers he claims come to Australia “for a life of
permanent handouts”.
Senator Anning, who represented Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
party until January 2018, has also praised Turnbull Government plans to tighten
eligibility for welfare payments for recently-arrived migrants.
The Government has legislation before Parliament which would
extend the waiting period for various welfare payments to migrants from two
years to three years, while proposing to extend this to four years in the 2018
The tweet that started it
all! From Senator Fraser Anning states:
“Free welfare and public housing attracts the very type of migrants,
transnational parasites who travel not in search of opportunity, but in search
of a free ride at other’s expense” 5/11/18.
Fact Check analysed data
from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), which economics professor John
Quiggin, of the University of Queensland, then verified.
The analysis showed 43 per cent of working-age Muslims were not
in the labour force — significantly less than the figure of 56 per cent cited
by Senator Anning.
It also revealed that the high Muslim non-participation rate —
which compares to a national working-age non-participation rate of 24 per cent
— is almost entirely due to the large number of Muslim women who are not
Where did Senator Anning’s incorrect number come
Asked for the basis of his claim, Senator Anning’s media
spokesman, Boston White, referred Fact Check to an opinion piece by economist
Henry Ergas, published in The Australian on September 14, 2015.
In the column, Mr Ergas raised concerns about the religious
composition of Australia’s refugee intake. At the time, the Government had
expanded its humanitarian intake by 12,000 places to accommodate refugees from
Mr Ergas argued that Middle Eastern Muslim refugees
found it difficult to integrate harmoniously into Australia’s economy and
society because they brought with them religious hatreds.
In this context, he stated that “56 per cent of
Australia’s working-age Muslims [are] either unemployed or not in the
labour force”.
ABC criticizes the Senator for using outdated economic
information. But see the graph ABC created (below), in fact checking the
Senator! A whopping 43% of Muslims are not in the work force, a figure
way above the average
Australian’s non-participation rate of 24%. I suspect most
readers won’t have gotten past the photo at the top with the big red “wrong”
stamped below it. The Senator should go back and retweet his tweet and put the 43% in it!
43% is bad enough!
ABC continues to explain why the rate is so
high for Muslims. It is because the women stay home having babies and besides it has
nothing to do with their religion! What the heck! Referring to a 2005 UK
study, Ms Cook wrote: “Religious beliefs
may have a significant impact on the employment prospects of Muslims living in
Western countries.”
The UK study of mostly Muslim jobseekers indicated they were not
prepared to work in some or all of the following situations: Places where
alcohol was sold; Gambling establishments, or places in which the accrual of
interest was promoted; Places where they were required to handle non-halal
meat; Places where there was no time or suitable place to pray. There were
further restrictions for some Muslim women relating to: Observing hijab; Wanting
to work in an all-female workplace; Not being prepared to work at night or in
jobs that involved meeting the public; Islamic rituals, such as observing
Muslim holidays and restrictions on shaking hands.
In her paper, Ms Cook said Australian Muslim women expressed a
preference for Muslim-run childcare services [Like in Minnesota where they can further milk the
and some had experienced pressure from their family to remain at home, with
priority placed on caring for children or elderly relatives, rather than
participating in the labour force.
In Australia, the highest female non-participation rates are
among Muslims and Buddhists. Professor Quiggin noted that this most likely reflected cultural
attitudes rather than specifically religious differences.
So is ABC saying the bottomline is that since
their beliefs keep them from many types of jobs, there should
be no complaints from conservative senators about their use of welfare; and
that welcoming more Muslims to place on the Australian welfare system is sound
public policy. There is more here. Enjoy the nitpicking!
See graphics in original article at:
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody
GA Tea Party Leader
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