Sunday, June 3, 2018

Free Trade Newspeak

If we had free trade, government would not be involved with trade or commerce at all.  Companies and individuals would deal directly with vendors without interference and sellers would have no subsidies. This is authentic “free trade” in a “free market economy”.

Globalists hijacked the term “free trade” in the 1990s. Crony trade cabals had formed to implement UN Agenda 21. Corporations were ready to escape the 35% US corporate tax rate and unnecessary regulations and go global.

What is claimed to be free trade is government directed crony trade. The truth is that the governments of most countries selectively subsidize production, have tariffs in place, regulate production, collect import and export fees and track everything. Law abiding companies and individuals comply with these laws, but smugglers and black marketers find ways to avoid compliance with these laws. The points of entry of most countries are not well controlled. Most governments track internet sales, but most don’t tax them.

“Partners” became another word Globalists redefined to mask collusion. What used to describe business owners with equal ownership took on multiple meanings.

“Diversity” was another word businesses used to promote minority hiring and internationalization.

“World Class Manufacturing” was used to encourage US manufacturers to become ISO certified to sell to Europe.

In 2008, the American Electronics Association (AEA) merged with several other technology associations and named itself TechAmerica, but it should have been called the Global Technology Cabal. I served on the AEA Board in Atlanta as the HR Chairman from 1987 to 1996.  

George Orwell published his book “1984” in 1949 as a warning against allowing a future of perpetual waromnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation.

In 1984 Orwell introduced naming things that had the opposite meaning. The Ministry of Truth, was really a Ministry of Lies.  We’ve seen politicians name laws using the same transparent lies, like The Affordable Care Act. Our soldiers who fought in World War II proclaimed Military Intelligence as an oxymoron and were skeptical about government using misinformation to hide their screw-ups and corruption. Now we have Liberals claiming Virtue to advance Socialism and sovereign bankruptcy.

The title Orwell selected was prophetic. By 1984, the global governments had established the structural changes to allow his nightmare to become a reality. The publication of UN Agenda 21 exposed the nightmare.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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