Saturday, September 22, 2018

Bending Over Backwards

Republicans need to stop “bending over backwards” every time Democrats launch a scam. We are tired of Republicans allowing these scams to advance.

False accusations are serious. It is number 9 in the 10 Commandments and states “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”.  False accusations can be contrived as a tactic to gain an advantage.

False accusations can also arise from delusions that have been called up during hypnosis. This looks like her cover if the scam is exposed.

The current Democrat scam is their attempt to delay and derail the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Their weapon of choice is sexual harassment.

Christine Ford has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape in 1982 when she was age 15 and he was age 17.  She did not report the incident in 1982 and does not remember the time or place of the incident. There is no police report, no evidence and no witnesses. The accusation is unprovable and has no legal consequences. She said that this memory surfaced during hypnosis decades later. She is claiming selective amnesia to explain the late timing of this accusation. She graduated in 1984 from Holton-Arms High School in Bethesda, Maryland.

Christine Ford is a Research Psychologist employed by Pala Alto University in California She has a Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of Southern California.  Her 1995 dissertation was entitled Measuring Young Children's Coping Responses to Interpersonal Conflict.

Ford lives in Palo Alto, California, with her husband Russell Ford, whom she married in 2002, and two sons. She is a registered Democrat.  She attended the 2017 Women's March and the March for Science.

It is more likely that the Democrat Dirty Tricks team gleaned girl’s names from yearbooks and went looking for anyone who might have known Brett Kavanaugh in high school and they found a “player”.

This appears to be a political hit being executed by the Democrats to keep abortion legal. Republicans are being way too polite about this scam.

It does appear that Republicans are bending over backwards to allow Christina Ford to tell her story to the Senate as a way to say “Bring it on”.  In a civil lawsuit, the parties are “encouraged” to settle. Many do this just to avoid the legal expanse involved with a trial.  The Senate should have ignored this accusation because of the extreme lack of evidence.

In this case, the Senate Republicans look like fools who would call for a study if anyone claimed that the moon was made of green cheese rather than laughing them out of the room.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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