Monday, September 17, 2018

Trump International Strategy

Trump has rejected the “globalism” hoax and he is implementing the cure in his domestic and international policies. Many countries are beginning to follow his lead.  Trump rightly believes that the US needs to be an example for other countries to put their country first. 

“Leader of the Free World” use to mean “Santa Claus for the rest of the world. It will take some time for the 15 million US government employees to adjust to actually solving problems and getting the right things done well.

Trump knows factual history and believes in “peace through strength”. He knows that is only possible for the US if our financial house is in order. He chose to unleash our economy and encourage other countries to do this as well.

Trump has rejected international corporate cronyism and knows that bi-lateral trade agreements are better for both parties and it also protects national sovereignty by rejecting international courts.

There are lots of smart people across the globe. Many are stepping up to end global games. There are also lots of evil smart people across the globe who perpetrated the globalist scam and want to continue to perpetrate it.  Unfortunately, there are lots of people who drank the Kool Aid and became robots in the service of the globalists.

Trump wants to end the corruption that impairs free and fair global trade. Global trade is not new. We’ve been doing this for thousands of years. What is new is managed economies that are particularly vulnerable to corruption.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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