Monday, September 24, 2018

The Palestine Problem

Palestine is a Muslim terrorist settlement next to Israel. It began as a UN refugee camp in 1948 after Israel was re-established. Muslim terrorists immediately began attacking Israel and these attacks have persisted for 70 years.

Israel has good relations with Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.  Egypt is helping with the Gaza missile launching group, but Jordan is inundated with refugees. Saudi Arabia may also help in changing the anti-Israel narrative. Lebanon and Syria to the North of Israel are unstable. Israel needs stable neighbors on all sides and this could take some time. Those stable neighbors need to help Israel rid the region of Muslim terror and be able to absorb the peaceful Arab population from Palestine.

NO SYMPATHY FOR PALESTINIAN-VICTIM NARRATIVE IN TEXAS, Schools to keep teaching Arab rejection of Israel as cause of 'ongoing conflict', 9/22/18, WND.

According to Israel National News, Texas will keep teaching students that “Arab rejection of the state of Israel has led to ongoing conflict.”

And officials decided to included a reference about the “Judeo-Christian legal tradition” while teaching “the development of Democratic-Republican government from its beginnings.'” JNSnews said the issue still will be, along with other changes, up for a final vote later this year.

Charles Jacobs of Americans for Peace and Tolerance told JNS: “They should teach the truth and the truth is Arab rejection. At the same time, they should explain to students what the Arab narrative is and how it’s wrong.”

Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group that has waged war on Israel since the group's 1987 founding, most notably through suicide bombings and rocket attacks. It seeks to replace Israel with a Palestinian state. It also governs Gaza independently of the Palestinian Authority.

Hamas's charter long called for the destruction of Israel. It was revised in 2017 to allow for acceptance of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip rather than the entire territory, though Hams still refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli state.

Hamas led the charge in using suicide bombings against Israel in the 1990s and 2000s, though in recent years it has shifted to rockets and mortars as its weapons of choice. The organization also offers Palestinians a robust network of social services, which it developed as an alternative to deeply corrupt PA institutions.

In 2006, Hamas won a slight majority of the seats in the Palestinian Authority legislative elections. This would have put Hamas in a commanding position for both the West Bank and Gaza, but there was a problem: Hamas refused to accept previous deals that the PA had made with Israel. That lead Western powers to freeze out aid, which the PA depends on, to any Hamas-led PA. Tensions between the PLO and Hamas eventually escalated to outright war between the two factions, which ended up with Hamas governing Gaza independently from the West Bank–based PLO.

Unity talks between Hamas and the PLO have broken down repeatedly, which means there is no unified Palestinian Authority, complicating peace talks significantly. In late 2017, the two sides reached a preliminary unity agreement, but it's still unclear whether this will lead to an actual united government of any kind.

It will appear in the section on “the rise of independence movements in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia and reasons for ongoing conflicts.”

The report noted: “Also, the board voted to amend the U.S. government high school curriculum by reinserting references to ‘Judeo-Christian (especially biblical law)’ in the section on ‘major intellectual, philosophical, political, and religious traditions that informed the American founding,’ and reinserting the biblical figure of Moses and remove Thomas Hobbes from the section on ‘individuals whose principles of laws and government institutions informed the American founding.'”

The Palestine Chronicle commented that the U.S. long has supported Israel. “The USA provides more military aid to Israel than any other country in the world, with $134 billion being given to Israel since 1946 in the military, economic and missile defense spending. In 2016, the US signed a $38 billion deal to provide Israel with military assistance over the next ten years, which represented the largest such agreement ever made by the U.S.,” the report said.

The report charged that President Trump’s administration has “furthered this pro-Israel agenda.”

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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