Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Welfare Migrant Population Increase

The nub of the problem: the African population is rising at an unsustainable rate, by Ann Corcoran, 9/24/18.
You can read the whole thing yourself, but here is one small snip: Based on current trends, Africa as a whole is projected to double in [population] size by 2050. Between 2050 and 2100, according to the United Nations, it could almost double again.

I guess you are shouting at your computer screen right now!  DUH! OF COURSE IT IS! And, frankly, Europe, by allowing itself to be the pressure release valve for that expanding population is actually encouraging even further population growth there and in the Middle East. Here is a picture worth a thousand words at Quartz

It is to illustrate an opinion piece entitled: We need to talk frankly about our rapid population growth in Africa if we want to beat poverty. No kidding and it better be more than talk!

Once the migrant taxi service is stopped in the Mediterranean, the UN, the EU and African leaders better get to work on the African continent and stop being too chicken to address the population growth there.

By the way, the same goes for the US. Encouraging the flow of refugees from Africa to your US towns does nothing to help Africa get their population under control.  See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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