Wednesday, September 26, 2018

US Population Data

The US population was 326,625,791 est. 7/17
Age 0 – 14 was 61.2 million or 18%
Age 15-24 was 43.4 million or 13%
Age 25-54 was 128.9 million or 40%
Age 55-64 was 42.2 million or 13%
Age 65 and over was 51.1 million or 16%
Population growth was 0.81%. Birthrate was 12.5 births/1000 population. Death rate was 8.2 deaths/ 1000 population. Migrant population was 4%. Urbanization rate was 82% living in cities.Advertisement

22.6% under age 18 shows 74 million or an average of 4.1 million per year that will be in each graduating class. We will need to maintain minimum wage jobs for at least 4 classes or 15.4 million part-time and summer jobs.

If you divide the Age 25-54 group in half, you get 20% to anticipate Social Security costs. I couldn’t find any population data that simply lists the number of US citizens separately by age.  But if you total the 128.9 million in the 25-54 group and the 42.2 million in the 55-64 group you get 171.1 million and that should be close to the working age population between 16 and 65 we use to calculate the Labor Participation Rate. 

15.6% over age 65 shows the 51.1 million seniors reported on other lists.  Many over age 65 are still in the workforce.

The number of full-time job-holders in 2017 was 126 million.

Manufacturing jobs in the US in 1970 totaled 18.4 million. In 1980 US manufacturing jobs totaled 19.5 million. By 1998, manufacturing jobs totaled 17.6 million. By 2009 manufacturing jobs totaled 11.5 million. The US needs to restore 8 million manufacturing jobs.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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