Thursday, September 27, 2018

Reality TV

The Reality TV producers must have moved into the Cable TV News departments of their networks.  After a short run of “reality TV” flops, these empty suits have taken their broken format to the News.

All the “news” resembles Reality TV. Every day is a new drama of “he said, she said: and will Rosenstein be fired. The action soaps include hours of boats fishing people out of the water while reporters ask them how they feel. Each “program” lasts until the next one comes along, usually within a few days, but sometimes for weeks.

Cable News Reality TV runs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. It continues to repeat the “news” every 30 minutes in case you missed it.

The Screaming Liberal Propaganda Brainwashing News on MSNBC, CNN and others love it when they tell a really big lie and they all give each other a high five.

More conservative Cable News networks like Fox News make sure they have Liberal guests on the panel, so these propagandists can spew their Democrat “talking points’. They see happy to be able to do that and must wonder why the hell Fox permits it.  For them, it’s all about “face time” on the TV. They know that if they keep repeating the lie, the weak-minded bots will believe it. This gives Fox a “Jerry Springer” feel and that’s supposed to be entertaining. Fox is so “fair and balanced”, they avoid making conclusions about outrageous fantasies and keep asking the panel “what do you think?” 

Between this and the 3 minutes of innocuous pharma ads every 30 minutes, I’m ready to just read a book. That must be why they all write books.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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