Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Refugee Pushback in Germany

There are 598 seats in the German Parliament. The election in 2017 shifted the seats in Parliament toward the conservative side, due to refugee abuse in Germany.

In September 2017, Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU party lost 65 seats and ended up with 246 seats. The SPD Party lost 40 seats and ended up with 153 seats. The Green Party lost 4 seats and ended up with 67 seats. The Left Party lost 5 seats and ended up with 69 seats. The Liberal Parties lost a total of 114 seats. The Liberal parties support taking more UN refugees.

The Alternative for Germany AfD Party gained 94 seats and ended up with 94 seats. The Free Democratic Party Free Democrat Party FDP gained 80 seats and ended up with 80 seats. The Conservative Parties won 194 seats. They support sending refugees back to their home countries and ending all UN refugee migration.

The Liberal parties still have 535 seats, but public opinion against the migrant invasion continues to build in Germany with resentment over Welfare Refugees and conclusions that opening their borders was a disaster, because the refugees don’t behave, commit crimes, don’t work, become vagrants, make a mess and trash tourist sites. Germans are starting to speak up and their message is “enough is too much”. Germans are watching Italy and Hungary take action to reduce their migrant blight and are beginning to complain to their local politicians.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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