Thursday, October 17, 2024

Trump Campaign 10-17-24

Trump’s common-sense agenda is listed on a flier provided by the Georgia Republican Party. 

1 Eliminate taxes on Social Security for seniors

2. Let the voters in each State determine their own abortion policies.

3. Secure the southern border, deport criminal illegals and demolish the foreign drug cartels.

4. Rebuild our cities.

5. Keep violent criminals off the streets.

6. Keep men out of women’s sports and protect women’s scholarships by reversing the Biden-Harris rewrite of Title IX.

7. Unleash American Energy Production to lower gas prices and inflation.

8. Stop the out-of-control spending to end inflation.

9. Eliminate taxes on tips for tip-based workers.

On the reverse side of the flier and 10 policies proving Kamala Harris is failed, weak and dangerously Liberal.

As San Francisco District Attorney:

1.  Granted Probation to a violent criminal that then murdered two men.

2.  Shielded convicted crack dealers suspected of being illegal immigrants from federal immigration officials.

As California Attorney General:

3.  Opposed concealed carry permits for law abiding citizens unless they could demonstrate and extraordinary need to carry a gun beyond concern for personal safety.

4.  Categorized rape of an unconscious person, human trafficking involving sex acts with minors, assault with a deadly weapon and more as “non-violent crimes, allowing inmates who committed those offences to receive earlier parole.

As a US Senator:

5.  Encouraged donations to a fund that bailed out now convicted rapists, assaulters and murderers.

6.  Co-sponsored Berine Sanders’ $32 trillion Medicare For All healthcare takeover plan that would raise taxes, increase national debt and functionally eliminate private health insurance.

7.  Co-sponsored Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s $93 trillion Green New Deal, which would kill 2 million American jobs and cost the average family $165,000.

As Vice President:

8.  Failed on the economy, with inflation reaching a 40-year high and grocery prices rising over 21%.

9.  Failed as Border Czar, allowing over 10 million people to enter the US illegally.

10. Crippled domestic oil and gas production, driving gas prices up over 30%.     


They forgot: The CARES Act cost was $3.4 trillion and was passed in 2020 by the Democrat House and Senate and signed by Biden in 2021. Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote to pass the $1.7 trillion “Inflation Reduction Act in 2021 that caused the inflation spike in 2022. Feb 28, 2023 — The federal government has provided about $4.6 trillion to help the nation respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the $4.6 trillion authorized by Democrats remains unspent, and should be clawed back to reduce the debt.

The cumulative inflation impact from all of these appropriations is more like 35% and is global because of energy price increases that impact transportation and fertilizer costs. The illegal immigrant invasion is understated at 10 million. It is probably approaching 20 million.

The cost of illegals is estimated at $451 billion per year.

Federal overspending moved the US Nominal GDP from $21T in 2020 to $27T in 2024 and set off the US inflation and moved the National Debt to $35T. In 2020, the federal government spent around $260 billion on interest. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that interest payments on federal debt will total $892 billion in 2024. Inflation in 2020 was 1.4%. Cumulative inflation from 2021 to 2024 is running at 35% if you count the CPI plus food, consumer goods, fuel, rent, utilities, insurance and interest costs. 

The COVID cost in 2020 was $5 trillion. The cost in 2021 was $28 billion. The cost in 2022 was $2 billion. Six COVID-19 relief laws enacted in 2020 and 2021 provided about $4.6 trillion of funding for pandemic response and recovery. -Feb 28, 2023

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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