Saturday, December 6, 2014

Defund Amnesty in CR

Obama has unquestionably stepped outside of Constitutional bounds in his unilateral action on immigration, granting what amounts to amnesty to 5 million+ illegal aliens.  Obama must be stopped and stopped now!  The best way to stop Obama's illegal action is to cut off the money.  
The most workable approaches I have read about in recent days are two.  (1) Attach a rider to the CROmnibus bill which makes it a violation of federal law for DHS to spend any funds, appropriated or from fees, to implement Obama's illegal amnesty program.  (2) While an omnibus funding bill may be offered which funds government operations through the end of FY15, the bill should contain a CR that provides funding for DHS only through January 2015, allowing for the 114th Congress to deal with the issue.  There is danger in approach (2) because the momentum exists now.  Things will cool by January and Speaker Boehner has given no assurance that he will fight Obama on immigration in the new Congress.  What is needed is action now!  If the
CROmnibus bill which comes before the House for a vote next week Wednesday does not contain specific actions to make Obama's immigration actions illegal, and/or puts a short term limit on funding for DHS, we ask that you
vote NO on the CROmnibus bill.  It appears that Speaker Boehner is soliciting votes from Democrats to pass the CROmnibus bill (what is he giving up?) when he should be wooing GOP reps by putting language in the CROmnibus bill to STOP Obama.  Finally, any bill that Harry Reid favors
must be bad for the GOP and for the country.
Source: citizensbwise

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