Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chemtrails Exposed

A History of the New Manhattan Project Posted on April 29, 2015 Written by
“Dis­cov­er­ies and inven­tions are not ter­mi­nals; they are fresh start­ing points from which we can climb to new knowl­edge.” — Dr. Willis R. Whit­ney, founder of Gen­eral Elec­tric Laboratories
After so many years of watch­ing air­planes pro­duce the lines in the sky, largely with­out know­ing of what this Project con­sists or why, we have recently gained an under­stand­ing. Evi­dence sug­gests that today’s chem­trail spray­ing oper­a­tions con­sist of air­planes sat­u­rat­ing our atmos­phere with nano-sized par­ti­cles influ­enced by elec­tro­mag­netic energy for the pur­pose of weather modification.
U.S. patent #4,686,605 “Method and Appa­ra­tus for Alter­ing a Region in the Earth’s Atmos­phere, Ionos­phere and/or Mag­ne­tos­phere” shows how stratos­pheric and tro­pos­pheric aerosols can be manip­u­lated using elec­tro­mag­netic energy in order to mod­ify the weather. The ground-based anten­nas (known as ionos­pheric heaters) needed to pro­duce the appro­pri­ate elec­tro­mag­netic energy exist. For a detailed dis­cus­sion, please see the author’s pre­vi­ous arti­cle “Smok­ing Gun: The HAARP and Chem­trails Con­nec­tion.”
The 1996 U.S. mil­i­tary doc­u­ment “Weather as a Force Mul­ti­plier: Own­ing the Weather in 2025″ out­lines a pro­gram using aerosols sprayed from air­planes which are then manip­u­lated with elec­tro­mag­netic energy in order to mod­ify the weather. This doc­u­ment will be dis­cussed shortly.
The com­mon thread here is weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion; or as the Library of Con­gress calls it, “weather con­trol.” Lots of other evi­dence sup­port­ing this asser­tion exists as well, but these two doc­u­ments are the most salient.
Motives are plenty. Most notably, sig­nif­i­cant direct ben­e­fits can be gained by play­ing finan­cial mar­kets which rise and fall with the weather such as the weather deriv­a­tives and cat­a­stro­phe rein­sur­ance mar­kets; not to men­tion agri­cul­tural and energy com­modi­ties. Enron pio­neered the mar­kets. With fore­knowl­edge of the weather, so many scams could be con­cocted that it bog­gles the mind. Weather rou­tinely changes the course of Human his­tory. It deter­mines what we do every day. It deter­mines the out­comes of wars and influ­ences elec­tions. Con­trol of the weather is God-like power. Money and power junkies want it.
Con­trol­ling Earth’s weather would nec­es­sar­ily require a gigan­tic sci­en­tific effort. Oddly enough, when one looks for a National effort in weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion, one finds a lot. Specif­i­cally, if one looks, one can find a his­tory of weather con­trol pro­grams involv­ing elec­tro­mag­netic energy and atmos­pheric par­ti­cles; all in a coher­ent chrono­log­i­cal order.
This paper is the result of thou­sands of dol­lars and count­less hours spent research­ing many thou­sands of pages of source, orga­ni­za­tional and Gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments related to weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion and the atmos­pheric sci­ences. This arti­cle serves as the foun­da­tion for a series of shortly forth­com­ing arti­cles detail­ing the his­tory and cur­rent state of this Project. May this work help end the spray­ing. For the fact that these envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tions have been done with­out our informed con­sent, may this work con­tribute to the largest class-action law­suit in history.
This paper exam­ines the ori­gins and devel­op­ment of this; the first plan­e­tary level sci­en­tific endeavor. Now is our oppor­tu­nity to gain a deeper under­stand­ing of the New Man­hat­tan Project.
The Ori­gins of Weather Modification
Peo­ple have been attempt­ing to mod­ify the weather for ever. Most com­monly, man has gone about mak­ing it rain; espe­cially in times of drought. The ear­li­est recorded efforts were those of mys­tics. Local shaman would be called upon to ingest a cer­tain con­coc­tion in order to com­mu­ni­cate with the weather gods and ask for help. In some cases, the sac­ri­fice of cer­tain ani­mals in cer­tain fash­ions may have been the thing to do. Some­times a good old rain dance may have done the trick.
Some early West­ern efforts to stop destruc­tive weather are out­lined in pro­fes­sor James Fleming’s book Fix­ing the Sky. On page 78 he writes, “In ancient Greece, the offi­cial ‘hail war­dens’ of Cleonae were appointed at pub­lic expense to watch for hail and then sig­nal the farm­ers to offer blood sac­ri­fices to pro­tect their fields: a lamb, a chicken, or even a poor man draw­ing blood from his fin­ger was deemed sufficient.”
A lit­tle later pro­fes­sor Flem­ing writes, “In Aus­tria, it was tra­di­tional to ring ‘thun­der bells’ or blow on huge ‘weather horns’ while herds­men set up a ter­rific howl and women rat­tled chains and beat milk pails to scare away the destruc­tive spirit of the storm.”
Much of the early West­ern attempts at weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion involved the det­o­na­tion of explo­sive charges in the lower atmos­phere. It was hypoth­e­sized that atmos­pheric explo­sions cause precipitation.
Early Amer­i­can Involvement
Although there has been much inter­na­tional par­tic­i­pa­tion, this arti­cle focuses on America’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the New Man­hat­tan Project. Through­out the devel­op­ment of the New Man­hat­tan Project, Amer­ica was the world’s tech­no­log­i­cal leader; espe­cially in the area of mil­i­tary tech­nol­ogy. Amer­ica led the way and devel­oped most of this Project. Amer­ica con­tin­ues to lead the Project today. There­fore the early his­tory of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion in Amer­ica is relevant.
James Pol­lard Espy (1785–1860) also known as “The Storm King” was the first mete­o­rol­o­gist in U.S. gov­ern­ment ser­vice. Although he never received Fed­eral fund­ing for it, he sug­gested that for­est fires can pro­duce rain­fall and that exper­i­ments in this area should be car­ried out. His mag­num opus was a book called The Phi­los­o­phy of Storms. This book con­tains a long sec­tion enti­tled “Arti­fi­cial Rains.”
The first Fed­er­ally funded weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion field effort took place in Texas in 1891, with funds appro­pri­ated by the Con­gress in the amount of nine thou­sand dol­lars through the Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture. The exper­i­ment involved weather mod­i­fier Robert St. George Dyren­forth (1844–1910) attack­ing the atmos­phere with bal­loons, kites, dyna­mite, mor­tars, smoke bombs and fire­works. The results were incon­clu­sive, but you can bet that the atmos­phere was absolutely terrified!
From these early efforts until the begin­ning of the sci­en­tific era in 1946, the realm of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion was inhab­ited largely by a mot­ley col­lec­tion of pseudo-scientists and con artists sim­i­lar to Dyren­forth. These peo­ple, who referred to them­selves as “rain­mak­ers,” trav­eled around the Coun­try (mostly the West), going where local gov­ern­ments were will­ing to pay for their ser­vices. If a cer­tain region was expe­ri­enc­ing a severe drought, peo­ple were often des­per­ate for solu­tions. These rain­mak­ers’ activ­i­ties often involved the mix­ing and open air release of dan­ger­ous chem­i­cals. Some of these efforts were Fed­er­ally funded. Since the days of Robert Dyren­forth, the Fed­eral money has not stopped flowing.
Nikola Tesla
In the late 1800s, inven­tor Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) pop­u­lar­ized the use of elec­tro­mag­netic energy. In his 1905 United States patent num­ber 787,412 “Art of Trans­mit­ting Elec­tri­cal Energy Through the Nat­ural Medi­ums” Tesla describes how elec­tro­mag­netic energy may be sent and received through the atmos­phere. The Supreme Court found that U.S. patent #645,576 “Sys­tem of Trans­mis­sion of Elec­tri­cal Energy” proves he invented radio; not Mar­coni. He pio­neered radar. He invented wire­less sig­nal and power trans­mis­sion. Yes, power can be trans­mit­ted wire­lessly; we’ll have more about that later.
Tesla’s mus­ings and sci­en­tific dis­cov­er­ies pio­neered what are today’s ionos­pheric heaters which use elec­tro­mag­netic energy to cause atmos­pheric per­tur­ba­tions from great dis­tances and play a defin­ing role in the New Man­hat­tan Project. Specif­i­cally, he pio­neered the use of a cer­tain type of elec­tro­mag­netic energy called extremely-low fre­quency (ELF). This is a spe­cific type of energy known to be used in the New Man­hat­tan Project; the other being very-low fre­quency (VLF) elec­tro­mag­netic energy.
In her book Tesla: Man Out of Time, Mar­garet Cheney writes that he did a good deal of the­o­riz­ing about weather con­trol. She also writes that he the­o­rized that the entire earth might be illu­mi­nated by shoot­ing elec­tro­mag­netic energy 35,000 feet up into the atmos­phere. 35,000 feet is about the alti­tude of today’s offend­ing airplanes.
The Begin­ning of the Sci­en­tific Era
The sci­en­tific era of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion began famously in 1946 with a trio of sci­en­tists from Gen­eral Elec­tric Lab­o­ra­to­ries: Irv­ing Lang­muir, Vin­cent Schae­fer and Bernard Von­negut. Lead­ing the group was the world famous Nobel Peace Prize win­ning sci­en­tist Irv­ing Lang­muir (1881–1957). This trio pop­u­lar­ized the fact that, under cer­tain cir­cum­stances, dump­ing sub­stances from air­planes into clouds causes pre­cip­i­ta­tion. Early exper­i­ments used dry ice while later exper­i­ments pio­neered the use of sil­ver iodide. Also invented were sil­ver iodide gen­er­a­tion equip­ment and many other weather related sci­en­tific instru­ments. Much of this trio’s work here was done in coop­er­a­tion with the Office of Naval Research and the Air Force. Although oth­ers had pre­vi­ously dumped stuff out of air­planes in attempts to mod­ify the weather, the G.E. sci­en­tists prac­ticed a sound sci­en­tific method pre­vi­ously unseen in the field.
Fol­low­ing the famous sci­en­tific weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion efforts of the G.E. Labs trio, the public’s imag­i­na­tion was sparked and a gov­ern­ment reg­u­lated weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion indus­try flour­ished. To this day, the government-regulated weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion indus­try (or “con­ven­tional” weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion indus­try as we will call it) expels dry ice, lead iodide or sil­ver iodide (usu­ally sil­ver iodide) from airplanes.
How­ever, the con­ven­tional weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion indus­try is dis­tinct from the New Man­hat­tan Project and there­fore is not the focus of this arti­cle. The New Man­hat­tan Project employs elec­tro­mag­netic energy to manip­u­late dis­persed par­ti­cles while con­ven­tional weather mod­i­fiers do not. Also, con­ven­tional weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion efforts are con­ducted on a regional basis while the New Man­hat­tan Project is global.
Not long after the sci­en­tific break­throughs of the G.E. Labs trio, fueled by high level polit­i­cal rhetoric and pop­u­lar inter­est, the United States fed­eral gov­ern­ment began pour­ing hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars annu­ally into basic atmos­pheric research. Since then, the United States gov­ern­ment is admit­ted to have spent many tens of bil­lions of dol­lars on weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion and the atmos­pheric sci­ences. Much of that was expended in 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s dol­lars. If one is to con­trol the weather, one must know how the atmos­phere works. Or as geo­engi­neer Dr. Clement J. Todd wrote in 1970, “Our abil­ity to man­age pre­cip­i­ta­tion depends upon four fac­tors: (1) under­stand­ing the phys­i­cal processes of the atmos­phere, (2) real-time knowl­edge of the weather we wish to manip­u­late, (3) devis­ing the opti­mum treat­ment mate­r­ial and tech­nique, and (4) deliv­ery of that treat­ment to the cloud where and when we wish.”
The major­ity of the vast expanses of lit­er­a­ture per­tain­ing to weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion and the atmos­pheric sci­ences is geared towards con­ven­tional weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion. How­ever, both the New Man­hat­tan Project and con­ven­tional weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion are sup­ported by basic atmos­pheric research. So, buried in this body of lit­er­a­ture, one may find glimpses of the New Man­hat­tan Project. The rest of this paper recounts these glimpses.
Bernard Von­negut
One mem­ber of the G.E. Labs trio, Bernard Von­negut (1914–1997) went on to pio­neer weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion research involv­ing the use of arti­fi­cial elec­tric charges and atmos­pheric aerosols. His work in this area was per­formed under Gov­ern­ment con­tracts out­sourced to a research and devel­op­ment firm called Arthur D. Lit­tle Inc.
The ear­li­est recorded instances of elec­tric­ity being inten­tion­ally used to mod­ify par­ti­cles in the atmos­phere can be found in the 1884 exper­i­ments of Sir Oliver Lodge (1851–1940). The 1918 U.S. patent #1,279,823 “Process and Appa­ra­tus for Caus­ing Pre­cip­i­ta­tion by Coa­les­cence of Aque­ous Par­ti­cles Con­tained in the Atmos­phere” by J.G. Bal­sil­lie built upon Lodge’s work. Using this knowl­edge as a basis, Mr. Von­negut resumed Lodge’s work; this time with mas­sive fund­ing and mod­ern­ized sci­en­tific equipment.
Begin­ning in 1953, Bernard Von­negut, Arthur D. Lit­tle et al., con­ducted exper­i­ments involv­ing stain­less steel wires miles long strung from the tops of tele­phone poles, con­nected to a power sup­ply and dis­charg­ing corona. The coro­nal discharge’s effect upon ambi­ent aerosols and the clouds above was mon­i­tored and ana­lyzed. Through 1961, these exper­i­ments were car­ried out in Mass­a­chu­setts, New Hamp­shire, Texas, Illi­nois and New Mex­ico. These types of exper­i­ments are referred to as “space charge” exper­i­ments. The U.S. Sig­nal Corps and the U. S. Coast Guard pro­vided sup­port. Oth­ers per­formed sim­i­lar experiments.
The 1958 “Final Report of the Advi­sory Com­mit­tee on Weather Con­trol” con­tained an arti­cle by Bernard Von­negut, Vin­cent Schae­fer, J. S. Bar­rows and Paul Mac­Cready titled “The Future.” In it they out­line an atmos­phere sat­u­rated with “chem­i­cals” and “alter­ing” atmos­pheric elec­tri­cal vari­ables. It reads:
When the nature of thun­der­storm elec­tri­fi­ca­tion is under­stood it may prove pos­si­ble to con­trol this process by the intro­duc­tion of chem­i­cals into the atmos­phere or by alter­ing elec­tri­cal vari­ables. Such vari­ables might be atmos­pheric con­duc­tiv­ity, field, and space charge, or per­haps the corona giv­ing prop­er­ties of the earth’s surface.
When we become suf­fi­ciently sophis­ti­cated con­cern­ing the dynam­ics of the atmos­phere it is pos­si­ble that weather may be con­trolled by the large scale release of chem­i­cal or more prob­a­bly ther­monu­clear heat energy.
In 1961, Bernard Von­negut, Arnold W. Doyle and D. Read Mof­fett wrote a paper for Arthur D. Lit­tle titled “Research in Elec­tri­cal Phe­nom­ena Asso­ci­ated with Aerosols.” This was a report about their exper­i­ments of the pre­vi­ous 3 months involv­ing the effects of elec­tro­mag­netic energy upon a grounded sphere in a small cham­ber sur­rounded by gas. Please con­sider the impli­ca­tions of that. We will revisit this paper much later.
If you are won­der­ing… yes, Bernard Von­negut was related to the nov­el­ist Kurt Von­negut. They were brothers.
In 1958 the chief White House advi­sor on weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion, Cap­tain Howard T. Orville, said the U.S. defense depart­ment was study­ing “ways to manip­u­late the charges of the earth and sky and so affect the weather” by using an elec­tronic beam to ion­ize or de-ionize the atmos­phere over a given area.
The Depart­ment of Com­merce Weather Bureau reported in 1960 that they were con­duct­ing a weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion study in which, “Chem­i­cals are intro­duced into the cloud which notice­ably changes the sur­face ten­sion of the droplets. Elec­tri­fi­ca­tion effects are being observed by arti­fi­cially elec­tri­fy­ing the droplets and sub­ject­ing them to impressed elec­tric fields.”
For bet­ter or for worse, this super secret pro­gram had a prophet. His name was United States Navy Admi­ral William Fran­cis Raborn (1905–1990).
In the Jan­u­ary 1963 edi­tion of the U.S. Naval Insti­tute Pro­ceed­ings, Admi­ral Raborn out­lined a pro­gram using elec­tro­mag­netic energy to mod­ify the weather. His arti­cle was enti­tled “New Hori­zons of Naval Research and Devel­op­ment.” In this paper, under­neath the head­ing of ‘Envi­ron­men­tal War­fare’ he wrote:
The pos­si­bil­i­ties for the mil­i­tary employ­ment of the “weather weapon” may be as diverse as they are numer­ous. An abil­ity to con­trol the weather could intro­duce greater changes in war­fare than those which occurred in 1945 with the explo­sion of the first nuclear weapons.
A severe storm or hur­ri­cane strik­ing a naval force may well inflict greater dam­age than could an enemy. The capa­bil­ity to change the direc­tion of destruc­tive storms and guide them toward enemy con­cen­tra­tions may exist in the future arse­nal of the naval tac­ti­cal commander.
Ground, sea, air and amphibi­ous oper­a­tions might be sup­ported by the dis­si­pa­tion of fog or clouds, or by the pro­duc­tion of rain or drought. Con­versely, the cre­ation of solid, low over­casts might be used to con­ceal troop con­cen­tra­tions, move­ments, and task force deploy­ments. Large-scale weather con­trol tech­niques might be used to cause exten­sive flood­ing in strate­gic areas or even to bring a new “ice age” upon the enemy. By influ­enc­ing the ionos­phere and atmos­phere simul­ta­ne­ously, mag­netic, acoustic, and pres­sure effects might be gen­er­ated in such a way that ocean-wide sweep­ing of mines would occur.
Cre­at­ing or dis­si­pat­ing atmos­pheric temperature/humidity ducts might mod­ify the refrac­tive index of the atmos­phere enough to influ­ence radar or radio trans­mis­sion. Artificially-induced ionos­pheric storms might pro­duce a black­out of communications.
Cer­tain elec­tro­mag­netic waves are unable to pass through an area of pre­cip­i­ta­tion. A cloud seed­ing gen­er­a­tor could be employed under appro­pri­ate mete­o­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tions to pro­duce pre­cip­i­ta­tion that would inter­fere with the oper­a­tion of radio-guided or remotely-controlled devices or vehi­cles. We already have taken our first steps toward devel­op­ing an envi­ron­men­tal war­fare capa­bil­ity. We are using satel­lite weather data from Tiros II for cur­rent, tac­ti­cal oper­a­tions and more accu­rate, long-range weather pre­dic­tions. Some exper­i­ments in fog dis­si­pa­tion have shown promise, and some exploratory research has been con­ducted on ways to change the head­ing of major storms.
For these rea­sons — and because our advances in sci­ence make it rea­son­able — we are now engaged in plan­ning a ten-year, com­pre­hen­sive study of the atmos­phere, a study which we will des­ig­nate ATMOS. This plan will be co-ordinated with our TENOC oceano­graphic studies.
About the ATMOS pro­gram, the author has failed to find any other sig­nif­i­cant infor­ma­tion. The author has looked over a 1961 report per­tain­ing to the Navy TENOC (Ten Year Pro­gram in Oceanog­ra­phy) pro­gram. Although it did not con­tain any spe­cific infor­ma­tion per­ti­nent to the New Man­hat­tan Project, it did make men­tion of another, clas­si­fied TENOC report.
It is notable that the title of Raborn’s arti­cle includes the word “hori­zon” because the type of elec­tro­mag­netic energy to which he refers is akin to “over the hori­zon radar.” This type of radar is called “over the hori­zon” because it is bounced off the ionos­phere and there­fore is effec­tive far beyond the range of the forty miles or so (depend­ing on ter­rain) afforded by pre­vi­ous radar sys­tems. Forty miles is approx­i­mately the dis­tance one can see over flat land or sea before the cur­va­ture of the Earth obscures points beyond. Over the hori­zon radar, on the other hand, is effec­tive to thou­sands of miles. Today’s ionos­pheric heaters evolved as over the hori­zon radar.
Also of note is the fact that the United States Navy, of which Mr. Raborn was an admi­ral, is today one of the man­agers of the HAARP facil­ity in Alaska. The HAARP facil­ity con­tains the world’s most pow­er­ful ionos­pheric heater which is doc­u­mented to be able to mod­ify the weather.
In the 1967 National Sci­ence Foundation’s ninth annual weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion report, it reads, “ESSA [Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence Ser­vices Admin­is­tra­tion] is also inves­ti­gat­ing the effect of cir­rus clouds on the radi­a­tion bud­get of the atmos­phere by study­ing aircraft-produced con­trails which often spread into cir­rus lay­ers cov­er­ing con­sid­er­able frac­tions of the sky. One tech­nique pro­posed for mod­i­fy­ing lower cloud devel­op­ment has been the gen­er­a­tion of a high level cir­rus deck with jet air­craft. By inter­cept­ing solar radi­a­tion at high alti­tude it may be pos­si­ble to influ­ence larger scale cloud devel­op­ment else­where by reduc­ing solar input and reduc­ing con­vec­tive cloud gen­er­a­tion in areas where they are not needed.” This is essen­tially today’s geo­engi­neer­ing thesis.
A lit­tle later in that same report, it reads that their com­puter atmos­pheric sim­u­la­tions, or ‘mod­els’ as they call them, might sim­u­late, “…pro­duc­ing high-level cir­rus cloud cover over an area by means of jet air­craft, insert­ing par­tic­u­late mat­ter into the upper atmos­phere to alter the solar radi­a­tion bal­ance and the like.”
In 1966, the Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee on Atmos­pheric Sci­ences Select Panel on Weather Mod­i­fi­ca­tion pro­duced a doc­u­ment titled “Present and Future Plans of Fed­eral Agen­cies in Weather-Climate Mod­i­fi­ca­tion.” On page 17 of this report, it reads, “It is antic­i­pated that there will be a few large-scale facil­i­ties funded for the test­ing of mod­i­fi­ca­tion schemes. Typ­i­cal schemes might be the sus­pen­sion of a spray noz­zle over a val­ley between two moun­tain peaks to pro­duce cloud-sized droplets into which elec­tri­cal charges can be intro­duced in either polar­ity, con­t­a­m­i­nants can be intro­duced, and the drop size spec­trum can be adjusted to any rea­son­able dis­tri­b­u­tion.” The Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee on Atmos­pheric Sci­ences sub­se­quently agreed to pro­ceed with the devel­op­ment of a National Weather Mod­i­fi­ca­tion Pro­gram along the lines of this report.
The now defunct Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee for Atmos­pheric Sci­ences (ICAS) was cre­ated by the Fed­eral Coun­cil for Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy in 1959 in order to over­see and coor­di­nate a wide range of basic atmos­pheric research orig­i­nat­ing from many pre­vi­ously dis­parate gov­ern­ment offices. Their focus was weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion. Mem­bers of the ICAS included the depart­ments of Agri­cul­ture, Com­merce, Defense, Inte­rior, Trans­porta­tion and State as well as the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency, the Energy Research and Devel­op­ment Admin­is­tra­tion, the National Aero­nau­tics and Space Admin­is­tra­tion and the National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion. These are the gov­ern­ment agen­cies which have been involved in weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion all along.
The ICAS pro­duced a series of semi-annual reports between 1960 and 1978. In these reports, ICAS mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions’ weather related sci­en­tific activ­i­ties and expen­di­tures were recounted. The ICAS reports’ areas of study included: Earth’s nat­ural geo­mag­netic energy, dif­fer­ent ways clouds form and dif­fer­ent ways they pre­cip­i­tate, light­ning, hur­ri­canes and other extreme weather, inad­ver­tent weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion, inten­tional weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion and extra-planetary atmos­pheres. The ICAS is duly noted here because so much of the his­tory of the New Man­hat­tan Project is accounted for in the pages of their reports.
In the 1969 ICAS report, under the head­ing of “Cloud Elec­tric­ity Mod­i­fi­ca­tion,” it is writ­ten that the National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion is devel­op­ing, “Means for inject­ing sig­nif­i­cant quan­ti­ties of charge arti­fi­cially into clouds…”
Again in this 1969 report, on page 37 it describes the Army’s inten­tions in the area of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion. It reads, “Stud­ies will con­tinue on upper atmos­pheric struc­ture and dynam­ics, lasers and other elec­tro­mag­netic prop­a­ga­tion, and acoustic prop­a­ga­tion. New approaches to atmos­pheric mod­i­fi­ca­tion will be studied.”
On page 42 of the 1971 ICAS spe­cial report “A National Pro­gram for Accel­er­at­ing Progress in Weather Mod­i­fi­ca­tion,” the authors write of fog being cleared by air­planes releas­ing chem­i­cals and ‘elec­tri­cal meth­ods’ of fog dissipation.
On page 79 of the 1973 ICAS report, it is writ­ten, “There is a great deal to be learned before we can with con­fi­dence say what effect can be pro­duced by the injec­tion of chem­i­cally active trace gasses and par­tic­u­lates into the lower stratos­phere. New empha­sis has been given to both dynam­i­cal and phys­i­cal mete­o­ro­log­i­cal research rel­e­vant to this question.”
United States patent #5,003,186 “Stratos­pheric Wels­bach Seed­ing for Reduc­tion of Global Warm­ing” was filed by the Hughes Air­craft Cor­po­ra­tion in 1991. The patent describes a method for dis­pers­ing par­tic­u­lates into the upper atmos­phere in order to save us from global warm­ing. The author David B. Chang sug­gests that alu­minum oxide be used for this pur­pose. Lab tests from around the world have shown alu­minum to be the num­ber one chem­trail ingredient.
“One pro­posed solu­tion to the prob­lem of global warm­ing,” it reads, “involves the seed­ing of the atmos­phere with metal­lic par­ti­cles. One tech­nique pro­posed to seed the metal­lic par­ti­cles was to add the tiny par­ti­cles to the fuel of jet air­lin­ers, so that the par­ti­cles would be emit­ted from the jet engine exhaust while the air­liner was at its cruis­ing altitude.”
The first men­tion of alu­minum occurs in this pas­sage, “The method com­prises the step of seed­ing the green­house gas layer with a quan­tity of tiny par­ti­cles of mate­ri­als char­ac­ter­ized by wavelength-dependent emis­siv­ity or reflec­tiv­ity, in that said mate­ri­als have high emis­siv­i­ties in the vis­i­ble and far infrared wave­length region. Such mate­ri­als can include the class of mate­ri­als known as Wels­bach mate­ri­als. The oxides of metal, e.g., alu­minum oxide, are also suit­able for the purpose.”
The sec­ond men­tion of alu­minum occurs a lit­tle later. It reads, “Another class of mate­ri­als hav­ing the desired prop­erty includes the oxides of met­als. For exam­ple, alu­minum oxide (Al2O3) is one metal oxide suit­able for the pur­pose and which is rel­a­tively inexpensive.”
The Hughes Air­craft Cor­po­ra­tion was acquired by and is now inte­grated into Raytheon.
A 1994 doc­u­ment pro­duced by Stan­ford Research Inter­na­tional called “Mul­ti­ple Instru­ment Stud­ies of Chem­i­cal Releases and Heat­ing at Arecibo” details three bar­ium releases of 48 kilo­grams each over Puerto Rico. The bar­ium clouds pro­duced by these rocket-borne explo­sions were sub­se­quently hit with man-made elec­tro­mag­netic energy from an ionos­pheric heater and thus turned into a plasma. Bar­ium has been found to be the num­ber two chem­trail ingredient.
In 1996 the Air Force pro­duced a pre­vi­ously men­tioned doc­u­ment called “Weather as a Force Mul­ti­plier: Own­ing the Weather in 2025.” The doc­u­ment was pro­duced by the Depart­ment of Defense and writ­ten as ordered by the chief of staff of the Air Force, Ronald R. Fogle­man. “Own­ing the Weather” was but one in a series of 39 doc­u­ments speak­ing to a great over­haul of Air Force oper­a­tions to be achieved by the year 2025. The larger set of doc­u­ments is called “Air Force 2025.” “Own­ing the Weather” describes a sys­tem of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion com­bin­ing atmos­pheric aerosols with elec­tro­mag­netic energy.
On page 2 the doc­u­ment reads, “Prior to the attack, which is coor­di­nated with fore­casted weather con­di­tions, the UAVs begin cloud gen­er­a­tion and seed­ing oper­a­tions. UAVs [unmanned aer­ial vehi­cles] dis­perse a cir­rus shield to deny enemy visual and infrared (IR) sur­veil­lance. Simul­ta­ne­ously, microwave heaters cre­ate local­ized scin­til­la­tion to dis­rupt active sens­ing via syn­thetic aper­ture radar (SAR) sys­tems such as the com­mer­cially avail­able Cana­dian search and res­cue satellite-aided track­ing (SARSAT) that will be widely avail­able in 2025. Other cloud seed­ing oper­a­tions cause a devel­op­ing thun­der­storm to inten­sify over the tar­get, severely lim­it­ing the enemy’s capa­bil­ity to defend. The WFSE mon­i­tors the entire oper­a­tion in real-time and notes the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of another very impor­tant but rou­tine weather-modification mission.”
The doc­u­ment mostly speaks to mil­i­tary com­bat appli­ca­tions, but there are some very inter­est­ing quotes. Here’s one, “In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national secu­rity pol­icy with both domes­tic and inter­na­tional appli­ca­tions.” Let’s hear more about those “domes­tic applications”
On page 34 the doc­u­ment reads, “The abil­ity to mod­ify the weather may be desir­able both for eco­nomic and defense reasons.”
Also in 1996, as part of the same series con­tain­ing “Own­ing the Weather,” the Air Force pro­duced a doc­u­ment enti­tled “An Oper­a­tional Analy­sis for Air Force 2025″ which briefly out­lines some­thing they call a “weather analy­sis and mod­i­fi­ca­tion sys­tem.” This sys­tem is described as employ­ing both par­tic­u­late seed­ing and microwave energy for the pur­pose of weather modification.
Under the head­ing of “Weather Analy­sis and Mod­i­fi­ca­tion Sys­tem,” the doc­u­ment reads, “A global net­work of sen­sors pro­vides ‘weather war­riors’ with the means to mon­i­tor and accu­rately pre­dict weather activ­i­ties and their effects on mil­i­tary oper­a­tions. A diverse set of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion tools allows manip­u­la­tion of small-to-medium scale weather phe­nom­ena to enhance friendly force capa­bil­i­ties and degrade those of the adversary.”
In the mid-nineties, Lawrence Liv­er­more Lab­o­ra­to­ries sci­en­tists Edward Teller, Low­ell Wood and Rod­er­ick Hyde wrote a series of papers call­ing for the spray­ing of mega­tons of alu­minum to save us from global warm­ing. The mid-nineties was when reports of chem­trail spray­ing in Amer­i­can skies began pour­ing in. If you will recall, alu­minum has been found to be the num­ber one chem­trail ingredient.
In their 1997 paper “Global Warm­ing and Ice Ages,” the Liv­er­more Labs trio wrote, “It has been sug­gested that alu­mina injected into the stratos­phere by the exhaust of solid-rocket motors might scat­ter non-negligible amounts of sun­light. We expect that intro­duc­tion of scattering-optimized alu­mina par­ti­cles into the stratos­phere may well be over­all com­pet­i­tive with use of sul­fur oxides; alu­mina par­ti­cles offer a dis­tinctly dif­fer­ent envi­ron­men­tal impact profile.”
They con­tinue to espouse the virtues of stratos­pheric alu­mina in the foot­notes writ­ing, “Alu­mina, like sul­fate, is ubiq­ui­tous in the ter­res­trial bios­phere, and its stratos­pheric injec­tion seem­ingly poses no sig­nif­i­cant envi­ron­ment issues.”
In con­clu­sion
So there you have an evo­lu­tion­ary his­tory of a project employ­ing sprayed par­ti­cles and the elec­tri­fi­ca­tion of clouds for the pur­pose of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion. Is this a coin­ci­dence? Are all these exam­ples sim­ply iso­lated, one-off events not a part of a larger over­all plan? What are the odds of these data points evolv­ing in a chrono­log­i­cal order such as they have with­out being part of a coor­di­nated effort? One may be look­ing at some­thing like a quadrillion to one; and that is conservative.
For five days only, from Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 19 through Mon­day, Feb­ru­ary 23, my ebook Chem­trails Exposed will be avail­able for free from Amazon.
Stay tuned. God will­ing, this arti­cle is only the first of many com­ing in this year; 2015. The heavy lift­ing (study­ing the his­tory of weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion) is com­plete. The next papers will come much eas­ier because they involve smaller top­ics and half or more of the work on each is already done. Although the topic will remain secret until pub­li­ca­tion, you can expect the next arti­cle in a cou­ple of months, pos­si­bly sooner. Until then, keep fir­ing in the infor­ma­tion war. Thank you.
Adven­ture into the Unknown: the first 50 years of the Gen­eral Elec­tric Research Lab­o­ra­tory by Lau­rence A. Hawkins, pub­lished by William Mor­row & Com­pany, 1950
U.S. patent #4,686,605 “Method and Appa­ra­tus for Alter­ing a Region in the Earth’s Atmos­phere, Ionos­phere and/or Mag­ne­tos­phere,” 1987
“Weather as a Force Mul­ti­plier: Own­ing the Weather in 2025″ by Col. Tamzy J. House, Lt. Col. James B. Near, Jr., LTC William B. Shields (USA), Maj. Ronald J. Celen­tano, Maj. David M. Hus­band, Maj. Ann E. Mer­cer and Maj. James E. Pugh, pub­lished by the United States Air Force, 1996
The Smartest Guys in the Room by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind, pub­lished by the Pen­guin Group, 2004
The Weather Chang­ers by D.S. Halacy, Jr., pub­lished by Harper and Row, 1968
Fix­ing the Sky by James Roger Flem­ing, pub­lished by Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity Press, 2010
U.S. patent #787,412 “Art of Trans­mit­ting Elec­tri­cal Energy Through the Nat­ural Medi­ums,” 1905
U.S. patent #645,576 “Sys­tem of Trans­mis­sion of Elec­tri­cal Energy,” 1900
Tesla: Man Out of Time by Mar­garet Cheney, pub­lished by Simon & Schus­ter, 1981
Early His­tory of Cloud Seed­ing by Bar­ring­ton S. Havens, pub­lished by the Lang­muir Lab­o­ra­tory at the New Mex­ico Insti­tute of Min­ing and Tech­nol­ogy, the Atmos­pheric Sci­ences Research Cen­ter at the State Uni­ver­sity of New York at Albany and the Research and Devel­op­ment Cen­ter of the Gen­eral Elec­tric Com­pany, 1978
Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee for Atmos­pheric Sci­ences reports 1960–1978, pub­lished by the Fed­eral Coun­cil for Sci­ence and Technology
“Depart­ment of the Inte­rior Pro­gram in Pre­cip­i­ta­tion Man­age­ment for 1970″ by Dr. Clement J. Todd as it appeared in the “Pro­ceed­ings of the Twelfth Inter­a­gency Con­fer­ence on Weather Mod­i­fi­ca­tion” 1970
U.S. patent #1,279,823 “Process and Appa­ra­tus for Caus­ing Pre­cip­i­ta­tion by Coa­les­cence of Aque­ous Par­ti­cles Con­tained in the Atmosphere”
“Tech­nique for Intro­duc­ing Low-Density Space Charge into the Atmos­phere” by B. Von­negut, K. May­nard, W.G. Sykes and C.B. Moore, pub­lished by Arthur D. Lit­tle and the Jour­nal of Geo­phys­i­cal Research, vol­ume 66, num­ber 3, March, 1961
“The Future” by Bernard Von­negut, Vin­cent Schae­fer, J. S. Bar­rows and Paul Mac­Cready, pub­lished in the Final Report of the Advi­sory Com­mit­tee on Weather Con­trol, p201, 1958
Research in Elec­tri­cal Phe­nom­ena Asso­ci­ated with Aerosols by Bernard Von­negut, Arnold W. Doyle and D. Read Mof­fett, pub­lished by Arthur D. Lit­tle, 1961
Angels Don’t Play this HAARP: advances in Tesla tech­nol­ogy by Jeane Man­ning and Dr. Nick Begich, pub­lished by Earth­pulse Press, p78, 1995
1st National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion annual weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion report, p14, 1960
“New Hori­zons of Naval Research and Devel­op­ment” by William Fran­cis Raborn, pub­lished in U.S. Naval Insti­tute Pro­ceed­ings, Jan­u­ary, 1963
“Ten Year Pro­gram in Oceanog­ra­phy: TENOC” by the U.S. Navy, March 13, 1961
9th National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion annual weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion report, 1967
“Present and Future Plans of Fed­eral Agen­cies in Weather-Climate Mod­i­fi­ca­tion” by the Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee on Atmos­pheric Sci­ences Select Panel on Weather Mod­i­fi­ca­tion, 1966
Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee on Atmos­pheric Sci­ences mem­o­ran­dum to Homer E. Newell dated June 21, 1966, as it appeared in the appen­dix to “Present and Future Plans of Fed­eral Agen­cies in Weather-Climate Mod­i­fi­ca­tion” by the Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee on Atmos­pheric Sci­ences Select Panel on Weather Mod­i­fi­ca­tion, 1966
“The Inter­de­part­men­tal Com­mit­tee on Atmos­pheric Sci­ences: A Case His­tory” by Robert E. Morrison
U.S. patent #5,003,186 “Stratos­pheric Wels­bach Seed­ing for Reduc­tion of Global Warm­ing,” 1991
“Mul­ti­ple Instru­ment Stud­ies of Chem­i­cal Releases and Heat­ing at Arecibo” by Stan­ford Research Inter­na­tional, pub­lished by Stan­ford Research Inter­na­tional, 1994
“Air Force 2025″ by the U.S. Air Force, pub­lished by the U.S. Air Force, 1996
“An Oper­a­tional Analy­sis for Air Force 2025″ by the U.S. Air Force, pub­lished by the U.S. Air Force as part of “Air Force 2025″ by the U.S. Air Force, pub­lished by the U.S. Air Force, 1996
Global Warm­ing and Ice Ages by Edward Teller, Low­ell Wood and Rod­er­ick Hyde, pub­lished by the Lawrence Liv­er­more National Lab­o­ra­tory, 1997

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