Saturday, April 25, 2015

Estate Tax Treason Funding

When our RINO congress went after the Estate Tax, I wondered why, so I looked at our current Estate Tax Law and wrote my U.S. Estate Tax Repeal post (April 2015). I wondered why Republicans would risk pushing for something to help “the rich” when it’s such a visible target for the Dems. 
The stock answer is that these companies hire employees and often have to lay them off when the Estate Tax Bills are delivered.  Also, this would help un-twizzle a big chunk of the Tax Code.  Another answer could be more strategic.
When the Income Tax Act was passed in 1913, US millionaires set up Foundations and contributed large portions of their estates to these Foundations. Marxists quickly took over these Foundations and funded initiatives to aid in the Communist takeover of the U.S. and It’s still going on.  Bill Gates is using his fortune to further damage US education with Common Core.
It could be, that Republicans have identified the Estate Tax as the Marxist Foundation spawning machine. If so, I apologize for thinking my Non-Marxist Republicans were totally inept.
The Estate Tax is a totally family unfriendly law.  I would rather let the “rich” keep their own money tax free to give to their families.  I’m sure there are legions of life insurance companies and estate planning lawyers who would object…not my problem.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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