Friday, April 24, 2015

Hunting RINOs

Focus on Defeating GOP Establishment Rather Than Hillary, Posted on April 22, 2015
The first thing one may notice about the 2016 presidential primary is that the favorites everyone assumed were destined to meet in the general election may, and in my opinion, probably won't be there.
If Hillary Clinton is so unbeatable, why are others making noise about joining the race? The latest is comrade Bill de Blasio, the commie Mayor of New York City. Well, at least he's answered the question of why he held out his support of Clinton He's going to run against her.
There's blood in the water, and it's Hillary hemorrhaging, and the sharks smell it.
Now for the Republicans and the GOP Establishment. The preseason prohibitive favorite was Jeb Bush, but he is quickly finding out that the Republican base is no longer buying his establishment center-left line of crap and is looking for another Reagan revolution.
So when I hear conservatives say that we should be concentrating on Hillary -- conservatives like Rush Limbaugh -- I have to wonder what he's thinking. He obviously doesn't share my view that Hillary may not win her own primary battle, and if she has any serious competition, they are likely to bloody her much worse than we will do to our own. If she emerges victorious, she will come out of it beaten up, and judging by her overall temperament, I doubt she'll handle it well.
I understand what Rush is saying -- that he doesn't want the Republicans to beat each other up to the point that the moderate is the only one left at the end, as always seems to happen. I get that, but this time it's different.
To fully understand why, one need only to look back through the last quarter century or so to see how many real conservatives have even thrown their hats into the ring.
Starting in 1992, it was George H. W. Bush's reelection year, opposed only by Pat Buchanan. No one stood a chance against Bush.
1996 gave us one conservative, not a politician -- Steve Forbes. Then there was Bob Dole, the eventual nominee, Lamar Alexander with his flannel shirts, Pat Buchanan again, Bob Dornan, Phil Graham, Richard Lugar, and Alan Keyes.
In 2000, it was George W. Bush, John McCain, Gary Bauer, Orrin Hatch, Alan Keyes, and Steve Forbes again.
2004: Bush reelection.
2008: John McCain, Mike (Common Core) Huckabee, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Fred (sleepy) Thompson, Duncan Hunter, Alan Keyes, and Tom Tancredo.
And then of course 2012: Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Newt, Gary Johnson, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Tim Pawlenty.
As you can see, in a quarter century of Republican primaries, there have been three or four conservatives who even ran, much less got any traction. We now have that many in this cycle already.
I'm not saying that this crop is made up of all true conservatives, but I would vote for a few, whereas in years gone by I could hardly say that about one. The conservative wing of the party has an opportunity it has never had before – to drive the establishment out of the race early. Get rid of them all.
This election cycle is setting up to be historic -- maybe more so than even the Reagan revolution. If we are able to rid ourselves of the establishment menace that has plagued the party for all these years, we will still be left with more conservative choices than this country has seen in the entire modern era combined.
So let's just leave old (and I mean old) Hillary alone and get after the ones we really need to defeat. Let's not put the cart before the horse.

I think our current crop of Republican candidates will bury Hillary before election time.  They will need to ensure that the DNC doesn’t get away with so much voter fraud this time.
We have no issues with the RNC Platform and Resolutions, that’s why we are Republicans.  But the “establishment” GOP has dropped the ball since 1988. The first modern RINO was George HW Bush. He was no Ronald Reagan.
We have been chasing off the Liberal Republicans for decades and they are now starting to disappear in earnest.  There are still some left.  They are the long service folks like John McCain, Lamar Alexander, etc.  Our excessive spending and immigration, bad trade deals and $18 trillion debt serves to cancel their credibility. A real Republican would not have allowed this kind of debt and job destruction.
You can get a full list of who needs to go by looking up their scores on real conservative websites like the Club for Growth, Conservative Review, New American, Numbers USA, Heritage Action, etc.  The low score politicians must be replaced starting at the bottom. These scores measure whether or not their votes are constitutional. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have the highest scores on these sites. Scott Walker has no federal legislative record.  Marco Rubio lost some points being weak on immigration. This group is leading this campaign based on issues.  The truth teller who declares global warming a hoax and exposes UN Agenda 21 will get my vote.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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