Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tax Trigger Sabotage

The GOP HOLDOUTS' demand for triggered tax increases has led to a new proposal that ADDS UP TO $400 BILLION IN ACTUAL TAX INCREASES TO THE ALLEGED TAX CUT BILL!

This new $400 billion tax increase has put passage of a real tax cut in jeopardy!

With Senate reconvening to begin debate at 11AM ET today and final votes taking place later today, here are two urgent action items...

Action #1 -- Fax Senate And Say "NO!" To The $400 BILLION Tax Increase!

Source: Grassfire


The Tax Trigger is a poison pill designed to introduce “uncertainty” and dissuade corporations from returning jobs to the US. Hopefully, this serious mistake will be corrected by the House during “Reconciliation” to produce the final Bill.

It may also be viewed as a “gun to the heads” of corporations to make sure they do produce lots of revenue for the US government, by straining to add US jobs despite a lack of demand.

Either way, this is a wrong-headed mistake. Trump will handle shrinking the federal government footprint when he gets into “cuts”. If we cut what we should cut, we will reduce government spending significantly and rapidly and this needs to happen to “drain the swamp”. We need to remove the “big government” crowd in DC and replace them with steely-eyed business turn-around managers to modernize and cost reduce.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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