Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Democrat Voter Fraud

How do Democrats get votes when their priorities range from dangerous to useless? 

They have always been organized to commit voter fraud. They secure voter lists and determine who moved and who died.  They then send paid fraudsters to show up at poles pretending to be these moved and dead voters.

I saw this first hand in Texas in 1946. Lyndon Johnson hired pick-up trucks full of bums with voter lists for $5 to go from precinct to precinct from 7am to 7pm, voting in the name of dead people.

Democrats have always worked as Poll Workers and now they have amassed 30 million illegals across the US to vote for Democrats.  Most are in California and in large cities near welfare offices. They promote early voting and absentee ballots. They complain about Picture ID voter requirements, because it makes it harder to cast fraudulent votes.

In large cities, Uninformed Voters and Politically Comatose Subdivision Dwellers abound.

Useful Idiots riot and protest weekly with Propaganda Targets by Race, Sex and Subculture Minority Groups.

Countermeasures are needed to put an end to voter fraud. Non-citizen Drivers’ Licenses need to have “Non-citizen” printed on the face of the License. Whenever a State gets a new voter application, they need to cancel the applicant’s old voter registration by contacting their old State to prevent double voting. States need to clean up their voter lists every year to remove dead people, Non-citizens and people who moved.

For Hapless Candidates, the first rule is Don’t Offend Anybody; to do this the candidate says as little as possible. They rely on Attack Ad Scams, Issues that don’t matter, Issues that are distractions, No Priorities Announced, No resume on website, No Serious Issues Addressed, giving as little information as possible. They are left spewing platitudes and a few worthless issues.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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