Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Incompetence in Congress

Immigration - Immigration law continues to be our worst problem and is not likely to be fixed until 2021.

Removing welfare eligibility from non-citizens should have been accomplished by Republicans in 2017 or 2018 and they failed.  This would have ended illegal welfare migrant immigration overnight.

Ending anchor babies, visa lottery and chain migration should have been accomplished by Republicans in 2017 and 2018 and they failed.  This would have ended low skill immigration permanently.

Ending the UN Refugee program in the US should have been accomplished by Republicans in 2017 and 2018 and they failed.

Ending US Asylum laws could have been accomplished by Republicans in 2017 and 2018 and they failed. All immigration should be based on merit.

Arcane Rules – The rules established by the US House and Senate need to be abolished. Reforming Senate rules will be possible in 2019. Reforming House rules won’t be possible until 2021.

The 60% vote requirement in the US Senate needs to end. The Republican Senate should abolish it in 2019. All votes should be based on 51%.

The government shutdown farce should also end in 2019, but it won’t pass in the Democrat US House.

Bad Law – There are many bad laws that have not been repealed.

Ending Obamacare could have been accomplished by Republicans in 2017 and 2018 and they failed. RINO John McCain voted against Obamacare Repeal.

Unconstitutional Laws have established federal involvement in too many segments of our economy without the ratification of the required Amendments to allow the expansion of federal “enumerated powers”. 

There is nothing in the US Constitution that authorizes federal involvement in National Parks, Federal Land, Education or Healthcare. Federal involvement in these has been a disaster.

Congress did pass tax cuts for corporations from 35% to 21%, but it was 30 years too late.  Most manufacturing operations had already moved overseas to reduce costs and feed the globalization hoax. Congressional incompetence in neglecting to keep US corporate tax rates competitive for 30 years was sabotage.  It will take tariffs to restore manufacturing to the US.

Congress didn’t notice that their Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 and HUD non-discrimination rules had caused bank to give mortgage loans to unqualified buyers and defaults were imminent. Their negligence caused the 2008 Meltdown.

UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US was approved by Bill Clinton in 1993. This was based on the global warming hoax and required local implementation to prepare the US to become the North American Region of the UN. It included changes in local land use, planning and zoning that are still in effect.  This abomination has not been repealed.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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