Sunday, December 16, 2018

Democrats playing Wiley Coyote

We’ve seen Wiley Coyote in Roadrunner Cartoons obsessively trying to destroy the Roadrunner. Each time, Wiley Coyote’s plans backfire, Roadrunner escapes and Wiley Coyote ends up blown up, falling off cliffs and crushed by rocks. This cartoon is a metaphor for Democrat Party behavior since 1913.

Most Democrat sabotage since 1913 was on a slow fuse. US voters allowed Congress to put their spending on the US credit card. Most unconstitutional US laws are unsustainable. When these laws do more harm than good, they need to be rolled back. Democrats instinctively resist these rollbacks.

Excessive Federal Land – The National Park Service was created in 1913 and now the federal government owns 30% of the US land mass with no plan to maintain it. It’s time to privatize federal land and put it to productive use.

Inflation - The US dollar in 1913 is now worth 13 cents. Income Tax was designed to start at 1% on the rich, but quickly accelerated. Paying off the US National Debt by debasing the currency has been the rule. This uncontrolled spending and creating inflation has destroy the standard of living in the US and will eventually destroy the US economy  It’s time to begin reducing the National Debt with deep cuts in federal spending.

Immigration - Democrats systematically sabotaged the US immigration laws based on merit and proof of self-support to Welfare Migrants beginning in the 1960s.

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act, abolished an earlier quota system based on national origin and established a new immigration policy based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the United States. Immigration was limited by assigning each nationality a quota based on its representation in past U.S. census figures.

Not until the Refugee Act of 1980 did the United States have a general policy governing the admission of refugees. In1986, Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). It’s time to restrict immigration to reduce our Welfare population.

We now need to remove Anchor Babies, Chain Migration, Visa Lottery and remove non-citizens from welfare benefit eligibility.

Environmentalism – Air and Water pollution was noticeable throughout the Industrial Revolution through the 1800s, when cities became more populated. By the 1900s, related diseases were being addressed with sanitary sewers, water chlorination and smoke stack filters. By the 1950s, we saw automobile exhaust pollution in the most populated cities. Chemical waste and solid waste dumping was not illegal. 
The environmental movement began in the 1960s. Rachel Carson published “Silent Spring” in 1962 to attack pesticides and got the government to ban DDT in 1972. Malaria had been eradicated by using DDT and when it was no longer available, Malaria returned. In 1970, Nixon established the EPA.

The EPA had rules to eliminate fossil fuels and increase electric rates by 500%. We had unnecessary carbon emissions standards that couldn’t be reached. We had unnecessary and unattainable air and water regulations. We had to repeal these regulations to keep our economy from being destroyed. 

In 1979, the 3 Mile Island Nuclear Plant near Harrisburg Pennsylvania had a partial meltdown due to human error and mechanical failure. Nobody died.

From 2009 to 2016, Obama supported unnecessary job-killing EPA rules that would have increased electricity costs by 500% and would have shut down all US agriculture. We need to reject carbon capture based on junk science.

2008 Meltdown - In a reckless frenzy to eradicate all discrimination, Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act 1993 and HUD Anti-discrimination rules that forced mortgage lenders to give loans to unqualified buyers. They predictably defaulted and caused the 2008 Liquidity Meltdown. We need to repeal these anti-discrimination laws immediately.

Obamacare - The failure of Obamacare from 2009 to 2019 demonstrates how a socialist scheme to force wealth redistribution while offering overpriced health insurance. We need to allow the purchase of cheap Catastrophic Major Medical insurance with lifetime maximums immediately.

Supreme Court Corruption - The Kavanaugh Senate Hearings in 2018 included false charges of sexual harassment by Trump’s Supreme Court Constitutionalist Nominee. We need to disallow Congressional hearings based on weak accusations.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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