Sunday, October 19, 2014

Common Core - Skinner Tentacles

by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Posted on October 16, 2014, Day 16: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files
Skinner’s Ten­ta­cles Extend to Pri­vate and Home Education
An oldie from 2002 high­lights the prob­lems with Skin­ner­ian edu­ca­tion and com­put­ers. Once a tiny bit of gov­ern­ment monies comes to pri­vate edu­ca­tion, the government’s ten­ta­cles will fully encir­cle and start to suffocate.
In an arti­cle pub­lished on NewsWith­Views on July 8, 2002, titled DEATH SENTENCE FOR PRIVATE AND HOME EDUCATION, COURTESY OF SUPREME COURT,” I described what was hap­pen­ing with computer-based edu­ca­tion. Below are a few brief excerpts:
The Supreme Court’s recent 5–4 deci­sion allow­ing the con­sti­tu­tion­al­ity of finan­cial aid to par­ents which they may use at reli­gious or pri­vate schools, includ­ing vir­tual acad­emy (computer-assisted-instruction) char­ter schools avail­able to home school­ers, will result in the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of all education.
In this lat­ter regard, the writer of this arti­cle was told in 1981 by the Direc­tor of the Office of Libraries and Learn­ing Tech­nol­ogy, U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion, that “in the future all edu­ca­tion will take place in the home, using computer-assisted-instruction, but that we will always have the school build­ings for ‘social­iza­tion’ pur­poses.” This is the United Nations life­long learning/brainwashing con­cept (Inter­na­tional com­mu­nity edu­ca­tion) which places all com­mu­nity ser­vices under the umbrella of the com­mu­nity school. (The National Alliance of Busi­ness refers to this agenda as Kindergarten-Age 80).
The pub­lic sec­tor suc­cumbed years ago to fed­eral con­trol through fund­ing. Now, pri­vate schools, will­ing to go the “voucher” route in order to get the money to stay in busi­ness, will have the oppor­tu­nity to be equally dumbed down, denied a lib­eral arts cur­ricu­lum, and stripped of all sound moral edu­ca­tion. I can already hear the howl­ing from voucher-supporting con­ser­v­a­tives the first time the heavy hand of the fed­eral gov­ern­ment lands on a pri­vate school deny­ing it the right to deter­mine “what is right and what is wrong” in its cur­ricu­lum, hir­ing prac­tices, recital of the Pledge of Alle­giance, The Lord’s Prayer, etc. Those pri­vate schools which coura­geously, for rea­sons of con­science, resist vouch­ers will even­tu­ally be forced out of busi­ness due to their inabil­ity to remain competitive.
Inter­est­ingly enough, the blame for this incred­i­bly dan­ger­ous Tro­jan Horse deci­sion can be laid at the feet of the con­ser­v­a­tive major­ity on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Is school choice a plot to imple­ment the social­ist, cor­po­rate fas­cist, work­force train­ing agenda for the global planned economy?  You ‘betcha.…
If the ques­tion of school choice is con­sid­ered in a vac­uum, with­out the ben­e­fit of an in-depth under­stand­ing of the his­tory and highly con­tro­ver­sial goals of Amer­i­can pub­lic edu­ca­tion, if it is con­sid­ered sim­ply in the con­text of pro­vid­ing a bet­ter edu­ca­tion for low income chil­dren, if it is con­sid­ered only as an issue of equal fund­ing for all chil­dren, one escapes the very dan­ger­ous crux of the mat­ter: ACCOUNTABILITY… account­abil­ity to the gov­ern­ment which is grant­ing the voucher or tax credit.
So, why is it that those pro­mot­ing tuition tax cred­its and vouch­ers have missed this point of accountability?…
Let me warn par­ents and pri­vate school admin­is­tra­tors: “Free­dom to choose” is exactly the oppo­site of what they and the pri­vate sec­tor will receive if they take one penny of fed­eral, state or local tax money to edu­cate chil­dren. Believe it or not, slav­ery is right around the cor­ner, since once the pri­vate sec­tor is con­trolled through vouch­ers, thereby cre­at­ing a part­ner­ship with gov­ern­ment (cor­po­rate fas­cism), stu­dents, hav­ing been psy­cho­log­i­cally pro­filed, will be tracked into spe­cific train­ing at an early age and later into job slots to suit the needs of the cor­po­rate sec­tor and the global econ­omy. That is the failed inter­na­tional social­ist quota sys­tem that in essence pro­vides NO CHOICE !
What school choice is all about is not giv­ing par­ents a real choice with­out strings attached; it is about con­trol­ling all chil­dren (referred to as “human resources”), every­where on this planet, in order to imple­ment the cor­po­rate fas­cist global econ­omy, with 100% par­tic­i­pa­tion in the global computer!
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