Thursday, October 30, 2014

Islam Won’t Work Here

From 635 AD to 711 AD Muslims converted the Arabs and conquered most of the Middle East.  They operated like other conquering armies including Attila the Hun, Alexander the Great and the Romans, but unlike earlier Arab dynasties, they were intolerant of other religions. They would attack and take territory, kill all who did not convert to Islam and established mandatory Islam in each country. They brutally united Arabs, but their reputation suffered as group who does not play well with others. 
All European and Mediterranean countries resisted and chased the Muslims out by 1080 AD.  The Crusades from 1095 AD to 1251 AD reignited hostilities and served as a counterattack by the Christians.  After 1251 AD Muslims continued to invade and convert, but didn’t gain much territory around Europe. They went to Asia, caused so much trouble in India they were sent to Pakistan.  They did manage to convert large parts of Indonesia and Africa after Colonial Rule receded.  The Colonial powers divided what was the Ottoman Empire into separate countries as they exist today.
When Colonial Europe occupied these colonies, they attempted to “westernize” the native leaders of these colonies.  Many Arabs and Africans were educated in England. After the colonies gained independence, this easier relationship continued.  Consequently, due to misguidance by the UN and the globalists, too many Muslims were allowed to settle in Europe.  This is not working well.
Islamic fundamentalists formed the Muslim Brotherhood from their jail cells in Egypt and when they were released, they organized a movement that created the myriad of Islamic Terrorist groups we see today.  
What’s important to know is that as Muslims migrate to other countries in Europe, they take over, run for Mayor and want to impose Sharia Law.  This is a disaster for the Europeans and they are not happy.
If the U.S. doesn’t stop Muslim immigration to the U.S. now, we will be in the same fix as the Europeans. All European countries are dealing with politically active and violent Muslims and should be limiting entry and deporting Imams now.  We should do the same.
Perhaps if the Imams who prefer to ignore Mohammed’s call to Jihad would meet, remove the troublesome sections of the Quran and form the Reform Muslim church, they can turn this around.  If they don’t they will find themselves forever isolated and under suspicion. We in the U.S. must declare that the current Quran suggests that the U.S. does not regard Islam as a religion that deserves the protections of the U.S. Constitution.  
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader   

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