Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Political Climate Change

The only climate change we’ve experienced over the past 25 years is political. 1989 ushered in the implementation of global corporatism.  The seeds were planted 100 years ago with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, World War I and the Income Tax.  Up to that time, unconstitutional laws were avoided whenever possible except for the federalist advance in the Civil War and the beginning of federal land seizure in the 1870s.  These were statist moves to advance the power of the federal government beyond the limits of its enumerated powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

This was a unique time when all of the engineering advances developed since the 1600s were harvested to create leaps in applied science, productivity and consumer products fueled by the Industrial Revolution.  The U.S. federal government was anxious to coopt credit for these advances to lull voters from vigilant adherence to the Constitution.  Our free enterprise system enabled private wealth to concentrate in the hands of a few, who were able to “buy the White House”.  Big Money began to take over the federal government and the influence of the voters could be controlled and diminished.

The end result leaves us bankrupt with laws being written by special interests and low voter participation. Voters don’t rule, money does.  We are entering a dangerous time and need to reassert our right to take our government back. We all need to vote in November 2014.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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