Friday, October 31, 2014

Dunwoody GA Codes & Laws

Our Codes and Laws are based on the global warming hoax launched by the United Nations.  Dunwoody and all other cities and counties should revise their plans to eliminate all of the irrelevant and unnecessary codes and laws.
Cookie-Cutter Codes
When the City of Dunwoody was formed, UN Agenda 21 implementation was well underway.  All codes, ordinances recommended by consultants and studies purchased were written by UN Agenda 21 implementers.  That’s why all city and county plans all look alike from coast to coast.  Rather than base rewrites of city and county laws on what has worked in the past, the Agenda 21 cookie-cutter laws were imposed to force them to fit the ultimate goals of Agenda 21. 
The American Planning Association adopted the plans and disseminated them to all planning entities as “best practices”. ICLEI, the International Council of Environmental Initiatives handled training for all local elected officials nationwide. $trillions in U.S. federal tax dollars have been spent on implementing this plan. 
The Georgia Legislature passed enabling laws to upgrade their regional planning groups to unelected regional commissions with government powers to award federal grants as bribes to cities and counties.  These federal grants to subsidize the purchase of cookie-cutter plans seduced local officials and Dunwoody bought them. Cities and counties had the authority to refuse to use these services but chose not to.  Planners who were willing to “go along” with this cabal were hired as cronies. Other consultants who knew how to update existing local codes and laws went out of business.
The new codes offered much smaller minimum lot sizes and much smaller minimum apartment sizes to accommodate the “Pack and stack” high density model to set up transit villages. This caused the split lot problem in Dunwoody Club Forrest. The R-100 minimum lot size should be increased from 15,000 sq ft to 22,000 sq ft (1/2 acre) to avoid the lot split problem in the future.
According to Agenda 21, single family homes and the use of automobiles are “unsustainable”, so the codes discourage these. The destruction of the U.S. economy is being accomplished with excessive immigration and record high unemployment.  Land Use Plans were mandated to give government more control over private property.  The goal is to make private property unaffordable. The Federal Reserve will provide the inflation to make automobiles unaffordable.  Federal agencies will force increases in the cost of energy and food using regulations and seizure powers.
Permits, fines, fees and inspections are now required for plumbing and electrical work, all replacement of mechanical devices, roofs and driveways and all “land disturbances”  These were not required prior to the establishment of the City of Dunwoody. Prior DeKalb Codes only required permits for building additions or load-bearing modifications.  
New residential zoning rules allow for “personal care home” designation that caused the Manget Way problem with a medical treatment facility in R-100.
From its acceptance by George HW Bush in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit on Global Warming, to its implementation Executive Order by Bill Clinton in 1993, the federal government had ample time to retool its agencies to accomplish this treason.  Establishing unconstitutional federal government control of everything was not a new idea.  It was outlined in the American Communist Party Goal written in 1920 and reported as a warning on the floor of the Congress in 1963.  Communists had infiltrated our universities, trade unions, federal agencies and both political parties.
U.S. federal government grants went out to thousands of non-profits that sprung up to build the perfect mousetrap.   Having all 45 American Communist goals completed, the federal government had all the federal legislative pieces in place to erode what was left of the U.S. Constitution.  Knowing that the one-world government these Communists wanted to build would require the destruction of the U.S. economy, so unions were allowed to misbehave and NAFTA was approved.  They also knew that U.S. citizens would resist losing their rights so they are taking an incremental approach.  They advance aggressively when we are distracted and slow down when we are on to them.  But they never repeal the enabling laws, so they can pick up where they left off. The Community Reinvestment Act 1993 and HUD non-discrimination rules that caused the 2008 Meltdown, but are still in effect.
Signs that U.S. global corporations had taken over our political process became more visible in the 1990s with the passage of NAFTA.  In the 1950s and 1960s, citizens felt that government supported their aspirations and were willing to defer to business leaders’ judgment on who to support for public office.  Inflation in the 1970s made citizens wary.  In the 1980s, the U.S. entered a boom period thanks to advances in electronics and computers.
Agenda 21 Failure
Europe has been decades ahead of the U.S. in implementing Agenda 21 concepts.  They are all “welfare states” with 60% tax rates.  They all have public transit with tax subsidized trains.  They formed transit villages.  Property ownership is possible, but not wide-spread.  Socialized medicine is costly.  Train subsidies are costly. Government intrusion is irritating. Their governments are mostly bankrupt.  Their private economies are weak. They all have unsustainable sovereign debt.  Their energy costs are high and in fact doubled wherever they implemented wind and solar.
Germany turned over its leadership because their energy costs doubled. Australia did the same to get rid of their carbon tax and end excessive immigration. Citizens in the UK want their guns back. Citizens in France, Germany, Belgium, the UK and Scandinavian countries want to deport their Muslims immigrants. 
European countries lost trillions in the 2008 Meltdown. Socialism and the global warming hoax has cost Europe its future.  If we don’t make significant changes, we’re next. 
See the video explaining UN Agenda 21:
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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