Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fix the U.S. Economy

Increase Production

We need to increase production of everything that is in demand. This includes water, oil, natural gas, coal, minerals, tree harvesting and food and improvements in how these are delivered, like pipelines.

Ensure lower energy costs

Lower energy costs will enable manufacturing to return to the U.S. and lowers all business operating cost.  Cheaper energy increases productivity.  Lower energy costs enable all of us to lower our living costs.

Repeal government imposed productivity killers

This is a long list.  It includes unnecessary regulations from EPA and all other federal agencies.  It also includes predatory state, city and county codes, fines, licenses and fees. It includes State laws that support job killing regulations and ordinances.  It includes all laws that pick winners and losers and disrupts the free market.

Nullify unconstitutional federal laws

This includes States banning UN Agenda 21 implementation in the U.S. and job killing trade agreements.  Nullification should start with the most egregious carbon regulations aimed at destroying our electrical power grid and based on the UN initiated global warming hoax. Nullification should continue with the passage of State sovereignty laws based on the 10th Amendment.  Federal powers are limited to those enumerated in the U.S. Constitution (as written). State can challenge federal violations of the U.S. Constitution. An orderly transfer of power from the federal to the States should result in the closure of the most harmful, abusive and dangerous federal departments and agencies first.

Reduce all immigration

Our real unemployment is too high and was created by 25 years of excessive legal and illegal immigration. We certainly should not take in Refugees just because the U.N, wants us to.  We must return to immigration policies that were limited to agricultural guest workers and individuals who are self-supporting and will easily assimilate. We need to hang a sign on the Statue of Liberty that says: “Closed for Repairs”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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