Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Georgia UN Agenda 21 enabling laws

These laws need to be repealed.
HB 1216 passed in 2008 to set up appointed, unelected regional commissions to promote federal squander-grants, funnel projects to crony companies, do stuff seniors don’t need or want and promote property value crippling conservation easements.
HB 277 passed in 2010 to set up appointed, unelected regional commissions to usurp and replace local elective governance, transfer county tax dollars to other counties, reward crony engineering, landscaping and road construction companies with double pay for road work. Also, bail out MARTA. This law authorized the T-SPLOST which failed to pass in 9 of 12 regions.  If not repealed, this law could authorize another try for this sales tax increase vote.  We don’t want unelected governance; it’s a soviet system that violates home rule.
HB 310 passed in 2015 to set up an appointed, unelected community supervision “commission” to consolidate child protective services, juvenile courts and detention, mental health, misdemeanor probation services and implementation of the UN “Rights of the Child” documents that remove children from their parents and put them under government control and provide crony contracting corporations access to more tax dollars and exempt them from open records laws. This removes their actions from independent judicial review and ends the balance of power of the courts. The Board assumes responsibility for traffic violations, ordinance violations, non-injurious or nondestructive, nonviolent misdemeanors, non-injurious or nondestructive, nonviolent felonies and other offenders considered upon the discretion of the court.
SR 736 Is a Resolution Applying for a convention of the states under Article V of the United States Constitution; and
for other purposes. Every Marxist organization in the US is promoting this convention. They are likely to bribe appointed delegates and pass the Newstates Constitution, written by Marxists and based on the Constitution of the USSR. It’s too risky. UN Agenda 21 requires the transformation of the US from elected governance to appointed governance. This is accomplished in the Newstates Constitution.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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