Friday, November 17, 2017

Alabama Senate Race

Alabama voters will elect a new Senator to fill the seat vacated by Jeff Sessions in December 2017.


We should let Judge Roy Moore to run for the Senate Seat in Alabama, because he won the Republican Primary and Alabama voters chose him to run for this Senate seat.


Congress should not take any action to unseat Roy Moore if he beats his Democrat opponent in the general election. He appears to be no better and no worse than most of the Senators in Congress.


The Senate should include an ethics investigation aimed at raising the bar on proper behavior, but should not be overplayed in the media.


The allegations against Judge Moore did not include accusations that he committed felony rape, but could turn into a “tough to prove” child molestation charge and take years to litigate. It seems like the current “pile-on” is about sexual harassment and these claims are normally filed against employers.


The outbreak of sexual harassment claims we are seeing now appear to be inspired by the accusations against Weinstein that rekindled a boat-load of new accusations. Some of these claims and revelations are fueled by our Left vs Right political wars. Most of these recent scandals have resulted in outing those who are aligned on the Right.


The allegations against Judge Moore remind me of the Televangelist scandals in the 1980s. These involved Televangelist Jim Bakker and Church Secretary Jessica Hahn in 1987, and Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart’s emotional but unspecific confession and resignation in 1988. It is also similar to the Catholic Priest child molestation scandal that was reported in the 1980s. This resulted in more church oversight of its leaders and that seemed to be helpful. These incidents revealed that Christian leaders can also be sinners.


I am suspicious of barring Christian sinners from public office. I think that has more to do with the war on Christianity by the Left and the Democrat’s desperate attempt to increase their votes in the Senate.


John F. Kennedy was a serial philanderer, but that didn’t make him a bad President. He was never attacked by the Press. There have been child molesters in Congress, but they have either resigned or been quietly replaced by the voters.


Judge Moore got his reputation as a Christian Leader when he fought to keep his 10 Commandments monument from being removed from the Alabama Supreme Court building in 2001. The ACLU filed suit for the Left and a Liberal Federal Judge ruled for removal. Moore’s rationale was that the 10 Commandments were the moral foundation of US Law and that made perfect sense to everybody in Alabama and most of the US. Moore became the champion for ending the war on Christianity that started in 1947 with Hugo Black’s deliberate misinterpretation of the US Constitution when he redefined the “separation of church and state”. The mandate that “congress shall establish no religion” meant that the US will continue to allow all denominations to exist and will not establish a theocracy.


The timing of the allegations against Judge Moore makes them suspect and sheds doubt on the validity of the accusations because of the timing. It really looks like a “hit piece”.  I expect that Judge Moore will survive this attack and be elected to the Senate by the voters of Alabama. They want Moore to continue the fight to defeat the “War on Christianity”.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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