Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Establishment Republicans

The legacy of these spineless Republicans is to fear of losing their next election. They are the perfect enablers who run from confronting the Democrat socialist transformation. Their “values” overemphasize collegiality and bipartisanship. They are dishonest wimps and they succumb to being controlled by political correctness. If you call them names they fold. Trump proved this in the 2016 GOP primary. He called them names and they folded.   


They pretend to be strong advocates of our free market, but they cave in to Democrats and special interest groups at every turn. The voting records of 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate are abysmal and unconstitutional. They vote like Democrats.


The Deep State is packed with millions of socialist, anti-free market federal agency bureaucrats who ensure that all of our policies are spineless.


The failure of Bush I and Bush II to support the Trump Agenda sounds like “sour grapes”. These two need to be more open to fessing up to their mistakes and addressing their successes. They object to Trump’s rhetoric.


Bush I did a great job gathering the coalition for the Gulf War, removing the Iraqi Army from Kuwait. He then conducted the most impressive stealth bombing of Bagdad ever seen and suffering very few casualties.  But Bush I unleashed excessive immigration and economy-crippling regulations. He also bought into the global warming hoax and supported the UN Agenda 21 scam in 1992.


Bush II did exhibit some gumption by attacking terrorists in Afghanistan after 9/11, but he launched into unnecessary “nation-building”. He also failed to prevent the 2008 Meltdown and moved the national debt from $5 trillion to $10 trillion to do “nation-building” in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Establishment Republicanism worked when the goals of the voters were compatible with the goals of the large corporations from 1950 to 1990.  For decades, voters relied on corporate-picked candidates, but corporate behavior after 1990 became extremely anti-voter in the US.


Establishment Republicans were always Democrat-Socialist-Enablers.  They would campaign with Conservative promises and vote like Socialist Democrats. The delegated Bill writing to K Street and failed to impose fiscal discipline. They were easily turned into “Internationalists” and allowed corruption to spread. They were cowed by political correctness. They engaged in bribery and self-dealing. They promoted Christianity when campaigning, but allowed the War on Christianity to succeed. They failed to articulate the case for judging each person as an individual and created the tyranny of the minority and socialist entitlement legitimacy. They created todays “snowflakes”.

Today, these Republicans are incapable of reforming their own debilitating rules and incapable of eliminating unnecessary spending. They are prepared to talk about sending functions to the States, but are not aggressive enough to even begin the reforms needed to restore our economy. We should see some progress in converting some of these spineless wimps to follow Trump’s lead, but the Republican Establishment has a history of destroying their own reformers.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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