Saturday, November 11, 2017

Trump Election

I became a Trump supporter during the first Republican Primary “Debate” hosted by Fox News on August 4, 2016.  We had 16 Republican candidates including Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, who I included as “Constitutional Conservatives”.  When asked who I would support, I favored Paul and Cruz, but said I would support whoever told the most truth. 


As a Tea Party Leader, I had spent the past 5 years writing about UN Agenda 21 and the global warming scam and all the other abuses precipitated by the Obama Administration. Everybody lied and ignored the real problems. I had seen the Republican Establishment enabling the Democrat agenda and saw the globalist cartel joined by our large corporations. The US Left-wing Marxists had already taken over the Democrat Party, the Universities, Public Education, the Media and most federal government employees.


The European Left-wing Marxists were firmly ensconced and in denial over the damage caused by their big government, socialist programs, open borders, loss of sovereignty and high government debt. The Muslim refugee problem looked like the last straw, but the European brainwashing had been completed and US voters were more skeptical.


Trump was the Loan Reformer on the planet, except for immediate support by Tea Partiers and other Constitutional Conservatives.


I was stunned as I watched the first debate and aghast when I heard the questions Megyn Kelly asked Trump. I was shocked that Fox News would fill this first debate with totally irrelevant questions.


Trump jumped on the US negative trade balance and moved on to the immigration problem while all the other Republican candidates remained uncomfortably silent about these issues. By the time the “debates” were over, Trump had covered every major issue we Tea Partiers were fighting for.


Trump pre-empted everybody by addressed the most serious problems with real facts and real solutions. These are problems the other candidates knew about, but refused to mention. Trump destroyed political correctness like Round-up. The other Republican candidates were left in the dust and the rest is history.


It didn’t take long for most Republicans to fall in line behind the Trump Agenda, but these Establishment Republicans are having a hard time crafting their replacement for Obamacare and the Individual Income Tax package. They need to reform their processes to abolish the 60 vote rule and end their reliance on K Street Special Interests and Agency Wonks and write their own simple, corruption-proof Bills.  


Congress would do well to reform campaign finance laws to reduce the corruption-enabling K Street and Special Interest funding.  Allowing these folks to control the politicians has not worked out well for the voters they ignore. The answer is to only allow registered voters to contribute to campaigns for candidates who are on their ballots.  Special Interests could use their own websites to exercise their “political speech”. This should require that all candidates have websites with their complete resumes and positions on issues.  We should be able to reduce campaign expenses by 80% by eliminating expensive attack ads. The media deserves a revenue reduction.  That would allow elected officials to actually do their job.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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