Monday, November 27, 2017


Successful families form when capable couples work together and make the “decision to love” each other every day. Couples need to share their feelings with each other. Unnecessary acts of kindness are appropriate and serve as “decisions to love”. Couples who believe God put them there for a purpose are likely to ask God’s help and that is their secret weapon. Marriage is not designed to work for the immature. It is a relationship that requires sacrifice. Feeling happy is a sign that you’re doing this correctly. Feeling unhappy is a sign that you need a course correction. Happiness is an “inside job” that you design for yourself.
Feeling grateful is a sign that you are on the right track.

The children that arrive in these families have a stable environment to learn to become capable themselves. Parents need to strive to take time to spend with their children, so that their children will feel free to ask questions and get feedback.  Parents need to limit their distractions and attend to family dynamics. Parents are the “bread-winners and are hopefully working in jobs they love. This enables them to teach their children the joy of work and puts them on the path to leading happy, successful lives.

Failure in marriage is a disaster. There is little hope in saving a marriage marred by alcoholism or drug addiction. Some couples make it, but most do not.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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