Monday, November 27, 2017


Kids are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. Some will do everything effortlessly and others will struggle to keep up.  Some are more outgoing and energetic than others. Some will become self-supporting and even wealthy and others will not.  Some will be happy and some will not. Some will be lucky at cards and unlucky at love. When Jesus told us “the poor will always be with you”, He was talking about our children. He was warning us that our children will always need our help. The family is the basic economic unit in our economies and is responsible for its members’ well-being and survival. Charity begins at home and ethics teaches us that we need to take care of others that we encounter who are in trouble. The people who we are in the most proximity with are our family members.  As the primary economic unit, families are the crucible designed to nurture and educate children. Children need to exercise their abilities, develop their talents and discover what they love to do. Our civilization is built on families to ensure the survival of the species.

You as parents will get to see your kids make the decision to excel and will remember these life-changing moments. Those kids who are gifted students may end up becoming Doctors.  You may notice that some children of wealthy parents will not become wealthy themselves, but will choose a different path.  It’s also common to find children of poor families who become wealthy as adults. Your kids did inherit genes that can determine abilities, but what your kids choose to do with their abilities is up to them. All you can do as parents is to give your kids the opportunity to discover what they love to do. If they spend their lives doing what they love, they will be happy and successful.

I’m a big fan of Homeschooling. For parents who can homeschool their children, it is the most time-effective way to allow your children to function a couple of grades ahead of their age group. It starts when they are born and can continue in grades K through 12 and include AP college courses on-line. Homeschooled students become self-learners quickly and are exposed to all of the activities that help them to do what they love. Curriculum and tests are available on-line for parents to select. Homeschooling involves tutors for special skills and activities with Homeschool groups. Their playmates are often other neighborhood kids. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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