Thursday, November 16, 2017

Minimum Wage Jobs

Low paying jobs were once reserved for student employment as a means to allow students ages 14 to 21 to earn their own spending money, learn how to work and keep them out of trouble. Over the past 20 years, most of the minimum wage jobs in the US have been filled by millions of immigrants using 185 different types of visas.


Our US Immigration laws were set up originally to allow immigrants from foreign countries who are self-supporting to apply for entry the US and required sponsors and a physical exam before they were admitted. Immigration was allowed based on US labor shortages and curtailed when the US had a labor surplus.


Our current immigration laws have been sabotaged to allow all immigrants and refugees to enter the US regardless of US labor needs.  We now have millions of immigrants in minimum wage jobs and have displaced the students. When the saboteurs opened immigration to all, they launched a campaign to tell students that they didn’t have to work, so most didn’t.  Our kids worked through school in the 1980s, but most kids just “hung out” at the Mall.


Our saboteurs also promoted “Diversity”, so we wouldn’t notice the migrant invasion and political correctness replaced the 10 Commandments and common sense.


At the same time, they managed to quadruple the cost of college and encouraged students to get loans. These loans are now totaling $1Trillion and may default.  Now we have to reverse all of that. Congress sets traps everywhere and they usually blow up to create new problems they will fix with solutions laced with more traps that cause more crises.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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