Thursday, November 16, 2017

Ending Obamacare

Including the repeal of the Obamacare Individual Mandate Tax is a good addition to the GOP Individual Income portion of the Tax Bill. Refusing to bail out the Obamacare Health Insurance Providers is another good move. Healthcare consumers need to be able to purchase the more affordable catastrophic coverage and each coverage should have its own cost, so consumers can customize the coverage they buy. By ending the Mandate, those who have already decided not to buy Obamacare “one size fits all” redistributionist scam will know that they will not have to pay the “Tax” to opt out.


For those who are enrolled in Obamacare, these consumers need to be able to migrate from their unaffordable, unnecessary coverage as they sign up for the cheaper more customized insurance.


Employers need to be able to go back to 40 hour per week jobs to reverse the loss of household income. They also need to be able to offer employees individual coverages with each coverage priced separately.


Health Insurance coverage is secured in what was called a Contract. That is an agreement between a buyer and a seller. Both should be free from government interference. Consumers should be free to choose their coverage and Sellers should be free to quote the price based on risk.


The US government removed the risk of “end of life” expenses by offering Medicare to citizens over 65 as part of the Social Security system to reduce pressure on employers and insurers.


Insurance functions as a cash-flow solution for consumers and provides an opportunity for insurance companies to collect premiums over many years and invest the cash that is collected to profit from the growth of these multiple pockets of money. The insurance company makes a profit if the total amount of money they collected plus the profits derived from investing this money exceed the amount of claims paid. This should work in the US, because 50% of our population have low medical expenses. These “healthy” Americans should not be expected to have to pay everybody else’s medical bills, but that’s what happens.  Government has forced providers to treat indigent patients that don’t pay their medical bills and shift the cost of this care to paying customers.  No other industry is forced to do this.


The excessive immigration of welfare immigrants and illegals we’ve experienced since 1989 has taken its toll on providers and the charges do to this surge in indigent care have contributed to the quadrupling of our medical bills. We now have too many poor people in the US and we need to restrict immigration to those who are financially self-supporting.


Price gouging by Big Pharma also adds to the cost of US healthcare and they should be made to stop cost shifting to US consumers. They price these drugs much lower for other countries and should not be allowed to do that.


Whatever government does with healthcare going forward, they need to end cost shifting and they need to end welfare immigration. They also need to end all regulations, laws and practices imposed on healthcare providers and consumers. Insurance companies should be able to offer each coverage with its own price and let consumers decide what coverages they are willing to pay for. This would allow insurers to offer lower cost policies if they have life-time maximums. Premiums should be based on risk, so insurance companies should be able to charge higher premiums based on pre-existing conditions. Government should not interfere with this by allowing cost shifting to the healthy or of premiums based on age. Government should get out of the way and let the market deal with it.  


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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