Friday, November 17, 2017

Restoring Jobs

For the past several decades US citizens suffered job loss to immigrants and lower family incomes due to federal government enforcement of open borders, excessive immigration, Obamacare costs and multi-lateral trade deals.


The first step to restoring jobs has already been accomplished. Trump cancelled unnecessary regulations and executive orders, resurrected the rule of law and convinced corporations to stop leaving the US. Trump withdrew from UN scams, announced our move to bi-lateral trade plans and achieved 3% growth in GDP.


The next step is to make the corporate tax rate competitive and lower the US corporate tax rate from the highest on the planet to the average, to allow companies to establish their operations in the US


Both of these steps lowered the cost of doing business in the US, to remove the incentives for corporations to take their operations overseas.


The next step will further increase US jobs by reducing excessive immigration, return the US to a meritocracy and promote the hiring of US citizens. Our immigration laws need to be reformed to remove chain migration, lotteries, refugee programs, anchor babies, immigrant welfare benefits and open borders.


Restoring family income requires repealing Obamacare and is helped a little with Income Tax Reform, but will really improve when immigration law is tightened to force hiring US citizens and provide jobs for our new grads and students.


Ensuring the continuation of the US government requires that we end deficit spending and begin to grow our way out of our $20 trillion national debt,


We need to shrink government and expand the US Private Sector free market economy as the engine to expand US citizen wealth and provide an economy that works.


Draining the swamp requires that we cut all federal spending that is unnecessary, harmful and corrupt and stop viewing government employment as a “jobs program”. This includes cutting federal bribes to States and grants to political action and other groups. It will require reforms in processes and lean management. Reducing the cost of military foreign aid is being addressed by convincing our foreign allies to pay their share and further sharing the costs with groups of allies in Asia and the Middle East.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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