Thursday, January 31, 2019

Anti-Liberal Protests in Canada

Yellow Vests Take a Stand Against Justin Trudeau in Canada, by Conservative Zone, 1/13/19.

The Yellow Vest demonstrations popularized by anti-government protesters in France are now springing up in Canada, and the target of their ire is none other than Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

During a recent demonstration covered by Canada-based Rebel Media, protesters appeared to mainly take issue with the country’s open immigration policies. Several of the people interviewed stated that their issue isn’t with the racial backgrounds of migrants, but rather with the unprecedented number of migrants coming in as a whole.

The sentiments expressed by Canadian Yellow Vests echo, at least in part, the same frustrations as the original demonstrators in France. That movement took aim at French President Emmanuel Macron, who remains extremely unpopular in the country. The demonstrations reportedly sprang up initially in response to a fuel tax, but eventually began to include a variety of populist causes — among them being dissatisfaction with the European Union.

It may not be accurate to label the Yellow Vests in France as a right-wing movement, as demonstrations appear to be a coalition of populists from many political camps. The one thing they seem to have in common is their derision for political elites. Canada’s Yellow Vests, based on the video below, seem more focused on right-wing issues.
Here the protesters in Calgary explain why they’re taking a stand in the video below.


Canadians don’t want “no-go zones”, welfare migrants
Trudeau is allowing 500,000 immigrants to enter Canada each year and Canadians think that’s too many. The want the restoration of Free Speech. They want immigrants to assimilate and they don’t see that happening.  They don’t want Canada to become a Socialist Tyrany.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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