Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Making Government our god

The history of government attempts to replace God was most visible when Communism took over in Russia after 1918. Churches were closed and the population was brainwashed and intimidated to accept the State as their god.  Despite the failure of Communism in Russia in 1989, many other world governments installed socialism in their countries and Socialism continues to compete with God. The acceptance and promotion of socialism by churches is suicidal. Christianity has lost its way.

Our relationship with God is personal. We seek wisdom to ensure that our efforts are compliant with God’s Will. Our individual relationship with God needs to be our focus.

The only purpose of organized religion is to help us keep that focus. Christians have a roadmap that begins in the Old Testament in the Bible and continues in the New Testament.

There have been many times when the failings of organized religion have resulted in reform and personal rejection. The most striking of these reforms was initiated by Martin Luther when he challenged the corruption of selling indulgences and published his Ninety Five Thesis in 1517. The Catholic Church had been coopted by the monarchies and corrupted. The church and state had merged. Prince-Bishops were appointed by Kings. Wealthy families bribed the Pope to appoint their relatives as Cardinals.

Great loss can result in our loss of faith. Europe suffered great loss in World War I and World War II.  God had not protected them. Attendance at Europe’s Christian cathedrals and churches began to decline and were no longer crowded for worship. They have now become tourist venues for history buffs.

The need to have faith that we are somehow going to continue to exist is compelling.  Entire cultures have been formed within the context of religion when rulers allowed or demanded it.  It appears to have begun to appeal to the weather to provide food and safety. It then turned to inventing gods in our own image like the Greek and Roman gods. At the same time, Eastern religions, practices and cultures stressed individual contemplation and reincarnation.  The myriad of religions we have entertained over the centuries is instructive.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

1 comment:

Priscilla King said...

I would've said that lazy Christians want government to do all the heavy lifting for them. "Jesus told us to feed the poor? Let government do that. I' and chatter at strangers on the chance that somebody out there is desperately in search of a friend, enough to consider as a friend someone who's babbling at strangers." So they give away their power and greedheads in government take it over. First we want not to have to bother with feeding the poor, then we want not to have to bother with supporting independent businesses, then we authorize government to make everyone equally financially comfortable and, sure enough, a year later we're just as cramped and soapless as "the poor" used to be.