Sunday, January 13, 2019

Trump Delivers for Minorities

GOP Poised to Win Minority Vote in 2020, by Conservative Zone, 1/7/19.

During the run-up to the 2016 election, President Donald Trump asked African-American voters a simple question: “What have you got to lose?”

For those not brainwashed by the fake news media’s tired old claims of racism, homophobia, sexism, etc., etc., the question was something of a head-turner. What did African-Americans have to lose by putting a populist Republican in the White House? The answer is nothing.

When the country’s first African-American president took office, the group was in the midst of long-standing joblessness of 9.1 percent. Things got dramatically worse as the Obama Administration pushed through a climate change agenda that level job-killing regulations. In just two years, African-Americans were widely disenfranchised as they suffered a 16.6 percent peak. Double-digit unemployment dogged African-Americans for 81 of 96 months during Obama’s presidency. Despite many African-Americans struggling with low incomes, joblessness, and high-crime communities, President Trump received only 8 percent of their vote. However, things have changed.
These days, African-American unemployment hovers around 6 percent, and all-time lows have been registered due to the America First policies and the landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the GOP and signed into law by Trump. Led by the president, the GOP has done the people’s business, and African-Americans are suddenly benefiting from conservative policies at an unprecedented rate.
The far-left agenda set by House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi includes increasing the size of government and imposing higher taxes that will ultimately result in employee layoffs. Democrats plan to fight against the very policies that put the U.S. economy back on track. Heading into the 2020 election, African-Americans are beginning to see the answer to the president’s simple question and Democrats should be very afraid.
Even left-of-center organizations such as Real Clear Politics have been forced to come to terms with the fact that the president’s approval rating among African-Americans has swelled.
“A recent, admittedly controversial Rasmussen Reports poll showed African-American approval of Trump at 36 percent,” Real Clear Politics reported. “Even 20 percent African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88 percent of the black vote. That was about a six-point falloff from Barack Obama’s share of the black vote in 2012.”
Naturally, the frustration of a groundswell of support for the president due to his winning economic ways for African-Americans must be deemed “controversial.” Of course, Rasmussen polls are routinely cited as credible by this and other media outlets when they favor Democrats. The 36 percent number is particularly terrifying for a Democratic Party that has relied on name-calling and identity politics to anger black voters to their banner. Here’s why.
“With continually diminishing white support, Democrats must increasingly count on massive minority turnout and bloc voting — especially among African-American voters, who make up about 12 percent of the electorate,” Real Clear Politics reports.
And here’s the rub.
“Under Trump, the economy is growing at nearly 4 percent per year,” Real Clear Politics admits. “The robust growth coincides with Trump’s effort to curb illegal immigration and imported labor. The net result has been to empower minority job applicants in ways not seen in nearly half a century.”
Other so-called minority groups such as Asians and Latinos generally vote Republican at a rate of one-third. Their turnout ranks significantly lower than African-Americans. However, Latino-Americans have made the most significant economic gains under the Trump Administration.
It’s important to keep in mind that while Pres. Trump is the standard bearer of the GOP, rank and file congressional members have backed the policies that boosted minority employment and incomes.

In terms of race and identity politics that Democrats use to divide everyday Americans, the GOP-led Congress passed significant legislation on prison reform that had unfairly doled out excessive sentences to African-Americans. Unlike the Democrats who have talked a big game for decades without delivering on either the economic struggles or social injustices issues of African-Americans, the Trump-led GOP has come through huge in just two years.

Even now, the president and GOP have drawn a line in the sand on border security and the wall knowing that illegal immigrants robbed low-income African-Americans of jobs for decades. As the run-up to the 2020 election simmers, African-Americans will have to ask themselves that simple question about Pres. Trump and the GOP again.
“What have you got to lose?”
This time, the answer is everything — if you vote Democrat.
~ Conservative Zone

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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