Thursday, October 17, 2019

Democrat Spending Schemes

The Democrats have out-done themselves offering a Green New Deal Climate Change hoax payment of $93 trillion, Medicare for All for $32 trillion, Guaranteed Income for 6.8 trillion, Student Loan forgiveness for $1.6 trillion, free college $10 trillion and Infrastructure for $1 trillion.  The total bill for the Democrat new giveaways is $144.4 trillion over 10 years. Total 2019 Nominal Global GDP is $88 trillion.

Green New Deal Cost - Green New Deal is $93 trillion over 10 years. Zero greenhouse gas $11 trillion.

Transitioning to all-renewable electricity and closing every nuclear, coal and natural gas plant in the country would cost at least $7 trillion.

Expanding renewables to provide 100% of the nation’s power needs would cost about $2.0 trillion in the first ten years alone.

Building a “smart power grid” for the entire country would cost $400 billion over ten years.

Replacing and upgrading every home and building is conservatively estimated to cost $2.5 trillion over ten years and the figure may be much larger.

The GND aims to provide a jobs guarantees at a “living wage” that is estimated to cost $2.5 trillion over 10 years.

According to the American Action Forum, $5.7 trillion of investment in renewable energy and storage is needed for the GND.

Consumer Energy Alliance estimates the collective costs for American families of replacing four daily household appliances — furnaces, water heaters, dryers and stoves — to be $244 billion.

Medicare for All costs $32 trillion over 10 years

Student Loan Forgiveness costs $1.6 trillion

US Student Loan Debt
2006 $480.1 billion
2016 $1.4 trillion
2018 $1.5 trillion
2019 $1.6 trillion

Sallie Mae student loan interest rate 6%. If loans are not paid, the interest cost is added to the principle loan balance.

Student Loan Update 2019:
Student Loan borrowers 44.7 million.
Total current student debt $1.569 trillion
Amount borrowed each year $105.5 billion
College grads with loan debt 71%
Current Loans being repaid 18.6 million
Current Loan payments being deferred 3.4 million
Current Loan payments not being made 2.7 million
Current Loans in default 5.2 million
Sallie Mae never turns down a loan and colleges never turn down any students.

Guaranteed Income cost 6.8 trillion over 10 years
Guaranteed income proposed at 15/hr. plus benefits
Annual cost $56,000 per enrollee. Expected enrollees 9.7 million. Democrats also propose $1 trillion in infrastructure.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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