Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lawn Chemical Services

I recommend using a good chemical lawn service for anybody in Atlanta and any other city with lawn care problems.

I cut my own grass and applied grass seed, weed killer and fertilizer for decades.  This worked well in St. Louis Mo. And Salina Kansas taking care of bluegrass, but my experience applying fertilizer in Atlanta GA on fescue was a complicated struggle.

The first thing I had to do was to have a sprinkler system installed to prevent August burn-out.  I took my own soil samples to the county lab to have them tested.  I had to pay attention to when I applied pre-emergent to kill crabgrass. I also had problems with grass fungus.

I was told that I had to aureate and over-seed in the fall, but doing all of this myself was more expensive than hiring a chemical service.  I hired Environmental Turf a few years ago and the year never looked better.

When I moved to Atlanta in 1983, lawn services were not that far along in understanding how much, what and when to apply chemicals.  Now they have it down pat.  They still have to work on weed control, but the birds spread weeds.

I never considered planting grass that turns brown in the winter, because I like to have a green lawn year-round. I don’t plant Bahia, Bermuda, Centipede, St. Augustine or Zoysia.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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