Saturday, October 12, 2019

LGBT Problem

The Civil Rights Act that created “protected groups” was not written to cover “behaviors”. It is difficult to see LGBT activist groups as anything but a whiny tiny sub-culture.

American Communist Goal 26 is to “Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy.”

The LGBT push to become a protected group, besides being a Communist Goal, looks like revenge for past, anti-gay sentiment, past government employment discrimination, to push their lifestyle, to profit from lawsuits and become legally protected to impose tyranny on the population.

The US federal government used to believe that homosexuality would pose a blackmail risk along with having relatives in our list of “hostile countries”.  Homosexuality and past marijuana use was used to deny security clearances.  There are claims of wholesale firings of homosexual government employees and probable exclusion of them in the military.

I have not seen any discrimination of gays in the private sector. I have seen them gravitate to the arts and excel in fashion, hospitality and performance arts.

Gays I worked with in manufacturing were outstanding at their jobs and remained private in their personal lives. They were able to behave at work within the cultures of their workplaces. Within companies, employees from all sub-cultures were encouraged to work well with all other employees and they did.

When I lived in New York, Gays lived on Fire Island and worked in Manhattan and the suburbs. Later I saw them working as ballet dancers, hair dressers, artists, restaurant owners, merchandisers, decorators, clothing designers, writers, actors, comedians, singers and musicians, where their sub-culture had critical mass.

I was sure they were also working as physicians, lawyers, business executives, engineers, teachers, inventors, accountants and every other occupation. But these folks were very private about their personal lives.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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